I was hoping that perhaps you might be able to help me out with my budgeting. I generally like to consider myself responsible with money, so I am not so much asking about that, but rather how much should I expect to spend? I am not talking in terms of tuition and housing, that is all figured out and still me cringing, but rather in terms of day to day expenses as well as books.
This whole thing has me on edge; my financial aid turned out to be lacking-- I had the chance to take on additional hi-interest loans, but alas a wealthy family member came through. Still though it is unsettling... I am hardly a big spender, but I am weary that my expenses will rise... I do hope to get a job whilst there, but it appears that those on Work-Study get preference on most of the on-campus jobs. But until then I will hope hoping to stretch the summer earnings...
If anyone could perhaps tell me what I should expect, and a general breakdown of expenses, I would be very grateful!
I was hoping that perhaps you might be able to help me out with my budgeting. I generally like to consider myself responsible with money, so I am not so much asking about that, but rather how much should I expect to spend? I am not talking in terms of tuition and housing, that is all figured out and still me cringing, but rather in terms of day to day expenses as well as books.
This whole thing has me on edge; my financial aid turned out to be lacking-- I had the chance to take on additional hi-interest loans, but alas a wealthy family member came through. Still though it is unsettling... I am hardly a big spender, but I am weary that my expenses will rise... I do hope to get a job whilst there, but it appears that those on Work-Study get preference on most of the on-campus jobs. But until then I will hope hoping to stretch the summer earnings...
If anyone could perhaps tell me what I should expect, and a general breakdown of expenses, I would be very grateful!