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Broke the Williams Soap code

I watched several YouTube videos about Williams Soap lather...or lack thereof. The method that makes a very good lather, like right up there with a Col. Conk Soap, is by lathering right on the puck. I use a boar brush, shake most of the water out then whip up a nice thick lather in a mug, right on the puck. Adding drops of water as necessary. And the time spent to swirl a good lather of Williams on the puck, is the same as any other soap lathering in a bowl. Yeah, the puck's lifespan is lessened a bit, but for $1.50 a puck, big deal. So, if you guys wanna give it a try, then let me know what you think! :)


The wife's investment
Welcome to B&B fellow badger.

If you really like Williams, then you should go to Woodman's. They have it for 99 cents and sometimes on sale for 79 cents.
I gotta say I gave it a try myself this morning and like LatherLoco, i worked that puck in my cup and I'll tell you it wasn't bad. The $1.09 was money well spent especially because my choice was a McDouble for lunch or Gear. I chose gear.
I haven't used williams in a while but that's how I would get the lather out of it. I've heard of another trick but I have not tried it. Put a new puck in the mug and add water until it's just over the puck. Let it sit overnight and the puck is supposed to absorb the water and make it easier to lather.
Yeah, not a big Williams fan, but a received 6 pucks with a purchase of a razor I made. Couldn't believe how bad it lathered up at first; whether in a bowl or on the face. But I gave this technique a whirl, and it works darn good. I'm glad because I wouldn't know what to do with them.
You may think it will shorten the life of the puck, but 4 months from now you are gonna say..."When are you ever going to go away?"

As one member coined, Williams is the "cousin Eddie" of soaps! (from National Lampoons Vacation)
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