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Breaking in L7?

Hey all, just picked up this beauty off the BST. She's got about 10 total lathers under her, and boy are her tips soft. I. Totally nitpicking, but I'm finding that its about 20% scrubbier than what I'd really like. Can I expect the backbone to chill out a bit, or is this brush what it is at this point?


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I don't believe mine has change from when I got it.

There are differences with knot batches from my experience and what others have said about their Blonde's. So it may be a different feel from mine and the next guy who posts.

Mine has sensation like a D01 3 band, but I don't consider either scrubby and not scitchy at all...I'd call it gentle backbone.
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Hm, good point about multiple batches - I'd say this has about the same backbone as my SOC boar. Either way, this will be a great soap and face latherer. I'm diggin the handle too.


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What size knot is that? There are two sizes for the L7. One for up to 24mm knot and a larger handle for the 25+ knots.

my 24 is about the most comfortable and versatile brush I own. Awesome handle and knot.
The knot is 24x48. I gave it a few minutes in some conditioner last night and that seemed to help a bit (there were about 2-3 hairs per shave that were breaking off too, this seemed to help that as well). There is certainly a place in my den for her and she will gladly get usage.

Not to change the subject, but if you guys haven't jumped on the Barrister and Mann bandwagon, that stuff is PHENOMENAL.
A lighter touch on pressure can relieve some of your scrubbiness, you can also use the characteristics of this one as a guide to future purchases. This may have too much scrub, are the loft and knot size acceptable?, if you like the feel of that grade Hair overall, I'd recommend a loft ~2-4mm higher. For softer Grades stick with a similar loft or try a Fan shape, a Fan with equal Hair Grade, Knot & Loft would be on the softer less scrubby side, Fan knots can feel a full 2-3mm bigger than a Bulb of the same diameter; Fan @21mm may feel like a Bulb @22-24mm.
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