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Has anyone ever undertaken a study of what the populace of B&B looks like? Work wise? I am an electrician "Seattle Sparky", but right now am in more of an office position. I work for the AFL-CIO right now as the Executive Assistant Secretary for all of Seattle and King County Washington. So sometimes I need to dress up, other days jeans and workshirts are fine. Love my Ben Davis stuff, family has been wearing their work clothes for 60 years!! But always have a nice smooth face!!!
so are we supposed to write what we wear at work/ what we do?

I'm a Fashion and beauty photographer and I hustle every day. I wear mostly up and coming designers and some established ones mostly current season. Robbert Geller, S2VS, Hyden Yoo, Idol Relic, Rag And Bone, Jil Sanders, Bblessing, St Stephans Academy, ect feature heavily in my closet.
I'm an Architect. Have my own office with a small staff. Custom residential and 'creative office' commercial interiors mainly
Armani, Hugo Boss for suits and jackets. Banana Republic, James Perse and Calvin Klein for everyday casual office wear. Cole Haan, Florsheim and Kenneth Cole on the feet. Although flip-flops and jeans figure prominently, lol...
Professor at a small niche school. I could wear khakis and polos like everyone else there, but my mentors in this business were all three-piece suit cowboys from the old school and so I wear suits. High English--french cuffs,etc--on Monday and then decreasingly formal as the week goes on. Usually finish on Thursday with god-awful 70's wide-screen ties.
Drive a truck for a recycling company, so my workwear is Dickies trousers and safety boots, topped off with a t-shirt and hi-viz vest/jacket (depending on the weather)...I still like to be clean shaven and smell nice though :thumbup:

Outside of work it's "smart casual" with a suit whenever I can find an excuse :thumbup1:


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Professor at a small niche school. I could wear khakis and polos like everyone else there, but my mentors in this business were all three-piece suit cowboys from the old school and so I wear suits. High English--french cuffs,etc--on Monday and then decreasingly formal as the week goes on. Usually finish on Thursday with god-awful 70's wide-screen ties.

My brother's daughter went there, actually.
I work on the Server Restoration Team for the DoD. So its normally khakis and a button down shirt, but I would say about 2 or three days a week I have to wear a 3 piece suit and a tie, when ever I have to attend meetings and such.
I'm an IT Risk Manager and I work in a corporate office. I wear a suit and tie 4 days a week (I always wear french cuff shirts with cufflinks) and on casual Friday I usually wear something like a pair of slacks or designer jeans, an open neck shirt and sports coat.
I work in a flour mill. Our uniforms are khaki pants and blue polo shirts with company logo.

I am slowly upgrading what I wear when I am off.
Im an aeronautical engineer and generally office casual is my order of the day. So, straight cut jeans, low profile black trainers or plimsoles and a polo shirt or shirt. Some brands I take a liking to, Pretty Green, Fred Perry, Lyle & Scott, Stone Island, Paul Smith, Adidas originals, Penguin, Hudson to name but a few, but you get the idea. :thumbup1:
Take a guess :lol: Air Force Blue on the way in to work then olive coveralls and brown combat tee shirt whilst there and blues on the way out. Out of work and living on the Fens it's anything goes really. I resisted wading in on the whole crocs debate that went on a bit back surfice to say they are totally approved Fen ware as I have 2 pairs. I can be seen whilst doing the yard work in desert lightwight overalls from time to time. I have some nice clothes but have never gone a bundle on names. All my nice clothes came from the bay :lol:
I work out in the field with Nielsen TV Ratings, installing equipment and doing market research. Needless to say, going into peoples homes is a filthy job worthy of Mike Rowe's expertise. I never realized how many people are slobs to the Nth degree. Thick cargo pants or Dockers, polo shirts or button downs, and some shoes that slip off easily, as we run in and out a lot. Come the weekend, I'm ready to get into something a little more refined! :blush:
I work out in the field with Nielsen TV Ratings, installing equipment and doing market research. Needless to say, going into peoples homes is a filthy job worthy of Mike Rowe's expertise. I never realized how many people are slobs to the Nth degree. Thick cargo pants or Dockers, polo shirts or button downs, and some shoes that slip off easily, as we run in and out a lot. Come the weekend, I'm ready to get into something a little more refined! :blush:

The head office is in the Nielsen building on Astor Place (in NYC) right? walked past it 14 times yesterday.
I work for the MA Attorney General's Office, prosecuting insurance fraud. So if any of you need some ideas on how to make some quick cash...:001_unsur

Since we're in court alot (or at least prepared to be), I wear suits all week, except Friday, which is business-casual. Sometimes I feel like putting my suit on is akin to getting my game-face ready, so shaving is a big deal in the morning.
I am a Ground Combat Skills Instructor for the Air Force. So at work it is ABU/BDU's and a ton of gear. After work we live and operate a small farm so it is normally wranglers and my boots. I wear a suit or khaki's to chruch and when out with my wife.
I'm a college student studying to be a high school teacher. When school's in sesion, I wear khakis with button-down shirts or dress shirts with ties. It depends on the school I'm assigned to.

On my own, I wear Calvin Klein and Levi Silvertab jeans and t-shirts from performance and surf companies. Usually I'll wear a short-sleeve button-down unbuttoned over my shirt.

No matter what I'm wearing, I always have sunglasses. Right now I have Oakley and Dragon Optical.
I work for a Fortune 100 company as an international telecom consultant. Been in the wireless industry since 1991 from climbing towers to inking deals with CEOs of foreign companies and everywhere in between. If you have a cell phone; chances are somehow, someway I have personally had a hand in your service. Anyway - business casual around the office, suits when on the road, and shorts/t-shirts anytime I am not working.

Funny thing is, I grew up as a dirt-poor country boy in North Carolina and hated all those uppity ups - now I sort of am one. Now I long for the days that I was that dirt-poor country boy. I miss all that huntin', fishin' and country life.
I work out in the field with Nielsen TV Ratings, installing equipment and doing market research. Needless to say, going into peoples homes is a filthy job worthy of Mike Rowe's expertise. I never realized how many people are slobs to the Nth degree. Thick cargo pants or Dockers, polo shirts or button downs, and some shoes that slip off easily, as we run in and out a lot. Come the weekend, I'm ready to get into something a little more refined! :blush:

My ex-wife works as an MR for Nielson in the Detroit Metro area. I just talked to her, a potential customer backed out on her at the last minute, with her field reps at the house, and she called me to vent. Small world, isn't it?

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