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Book published by Gillette Industries (London)

Interesting. The author, Ian Coster, seems to have written several books of what I would call "celebrity biography". My guess is that few libraries bothered to keep copies, and the copyright owner doesn't care to keep it in print.

However, it would be worth trying your library. Even if they don't have a copy they might be able to get one on loan from another library. Or... Australia appears to allow distribution under some sort of fair use terms: https://www.nla.gov.au/apps/copiesdirect?source=cat&sourcevalue=149367 - I'm not sure if that would work internationally, but it could be worth a try.
This was published in 1948? In London by Gillette Industries? Interesting. And it's only 78 pp - sounds like some kind of promo piece to me. Think I'll try to order this through my library.
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