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Boiling aluminum handle

No harsh judgments, since I am still a DE newbie:smile:

I got a Gillette travel razor off of ebay and wanted to clean it. I've seen many posts about boiling in order to clean new (old) razors, with the warning not to boil gold ones.

I am guessing this razor has an aluminum handle, based on what happened when I boiled it. The head came out great, but the handle was all black. :mad:
I searched for ways to fix this and decided to try heating a quart of water mixed with two teaspoons of cream of tartar. This got rid of most the black, then using Brasso, it cleaned up pretty good. However (and you might not be able to tell from the pic) the handle is silver again, but not shiny like the head. Is this just due to the difference in the metals, or can something else be tried (or did I just screw it up)? Also, you can see a few spots in the ridges that I still need to get with a toothbrush, but you get the idea.

I haven't seen any posts on not boiling aluminum handles, although there is so much info I could have missed it. What would be the best way to clean these in the future?

I'm going to guess the pot you boiled it in was Stainless Steel, right??

Bad stuff happens when aluminium and StSt are in contact with water and heat.
yes, I bought a cheap one to use on the razors.
I guess I need to revist my chemisty classes:eek:
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