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Boar Brush Poll #2 - Handle Style and Handle Color

Which qualities would you like to see in a boar brush?

  • HANDLE STYLE: Acrylic with opaque color body & Pearl bottom.

  • HANDLE STYLE: Acrylic with opaque color body & [I]clear[/I] bottom.

  • HANDLE STYLE: Light or Dark wood

  • HANDLE STYLE: Gemstone (ala Penworks)

  • HANDLE STYLE: Other acrylic / other material (put in comments)

  • HANDLE COLOR (if acrylic): B&B Dark Blue

  • HANDLE COLOR (if acrylic): Antique Blue ([POST=2284601]example[/POST])

  • HANDLE COLOR (if acrylic): Faux Ebony / Black

  • HANDLE COLOR (if acrylic): Faux Ivory / White

  • HANDLE COLOR (if acrylic): Other (put in comments)

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Ok, here's the second poll.

The other two polls:
[THREAD=160832]Poll #1: Manufacturer, Knot size, Knot color[/THREAD]
[THREAD=160832]Poll #3: Loft Height, Hair Grade, Price[/THREAD]

Example for option #2: [POST=2278746]here[/POST]
Example for option #4: Penworks brush

Edit: Notice that the poll will end on Sunday
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Now I'm imagining a two-tone acrylic in Antique Blue and Pearl White, like those old Ever Ready blue/cream brushes.
Now I'm imagining a two-tone acrylic in Antique Blue and Pearl White, like those old Ever Ready blue/cream brushes.

If it goes that route, one might consider a nice metal ring to divide the cream/blue... preferably not high polish, for that vintage look. Anybody else feel me?
If it goes that route, one might consider a nice metal ring to divide the cream/blue... preferably not high polish, for that vintage look. Anybody else feel me?
Dude, that would look pretty classy! :w00t: We can work that into the future polls. Wonder if that would affect the price point a lot.
I could see B&B dark blue being pretty neat :thumbup1:

Any chance for a B&B logo? I'm guessing to get that, this project would have to be elevated in scope.
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