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Black handle SS, fading issues

Hey Fellas and ladies,
I hope you can help me with a problem. I've found two or three black handled super speeds and each time I clean them, the black on the handle fades out. I can only conclude that I'm doing something wrong. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

My cleaning method is pretty simple. I take some hot water and oxygen cleaning powder (Think OxyClean) and let the razors I find sit in this until they get easy to handle. Then they see a toothbrush to scrub the gunk off. That's about it. After they're nice and clean they'll see some Maas.


OxyClean will take the black spots off a Dalmatian's fur coat . . . black off a SS handle should be a piece of cake for that stuff!!

Jim is 100% correct - nothing stronger than Scrubbing Bubbles and an old toothbrush is recommended for general cleaning. Also - use the "real stuff" and not the generic "Bubbing Scrubbles" that the Dollar Stores sell.

Deeper cleaning if needed is accomplished with very hot water, dish soap, and an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner.

Don't boil them or use any harsh cleaners. Your fine shaving tools will thank you!
Don't use Oxyclean.

The handles are likely worn or bleached out from the Oxy.

I use a toothbrush and colgate toothpaste to clean them,
soap and hot water, ethyl alcohol, dry. Lubricate with
mineral oil (baby oil) and wipe dry.
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