This Big Fellow showed up on my doorstep today! I didn't realize it but it has the old type head. The serial number puts it from 1920. I have some before and after cleaning shots for you because I am pleased with how it turned out.
Thanks! The pics are of the same are before and bottom are after cleaning.
Understand. I meant that the Old Type and the New Improved are gorgeous sets. Now you need to find the New Improved set to keep this one company.
Oh dear. I think I'm enabling. Sorry.
Got ya...but can you really call it enabling if I already had that plan?
I'll let you know how it shaves.....
Here's a comparison of the Big Fellow in comparison to.
View attachment 120225
1. Super Adjustable long handle.
2. Big Fellow (Old Type and New Improved are the same size)
3. 1940's Super Speed
4. Tuckaway
5. Latest version of the Milady.
well, if you have THAT plan... you'll also need a Big Boy. And a Big Boy/Fellow hybrid.
Just so they'll have company.
well, if you have THAT plan... you'll also need a Big Boy. And a Big Boy/Fellow hybrid.
Just so they'll have company.
dammit, Len.
I don't have that Milady.
Man, consider yourself lucky - I was busy with kids and projects and forgot to bid on that one. You also got a nice wilkinson empire razor, right?