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Best shaves at 72 hours. Any one?

I don't know if this is because the hair is longer and easier to cut, but I find I get my best shaves right around the 72 hour mark. The shaves are closer and more comfortable. I know shaving every 3 days is sacrilege to some, but it works for me. Anyway, I'm a dailyhead shaver now, so I actually do shave every day. The aforementioned 72 hours refers to facial shaves. So, any one else find this to be true for them?
I'm definitely in the post 36 hours camp. Every day just doesn't work for me, no matter how much I want it to. 72 hours would probably be optimal, but I just don't want to wait that long!
Every other day works best for me. Sometimes I will let it go for 3 days because my wife loves scruffy look on me.
Nope, not for me. I need to shave everyday. On the rare occasion that I miss a shave, because I'm sick or something, my next shave is always pretty rough. The more grown in my beard is, the worse my shave is.
I choose to shave everyday. I don't know if I "need" to or not but I prefer to be clean shaven and it is part of my routine. But I do agree that it seems like the smoothest shaves do come after a couple days of growth. Not sure why.
Three days is the magic number for me. It's not really possible for me to shave every day due to my facial hair and skin. 24 hours after a BBS shave with my R41, it's still classified as a DFS. 48 hours and there's enough hair to get a good shave, but at the risk of irritation if I try for BBS (which I always do, I love faceturbating). 72+ hours and my skin has fully recovered from the last shave and there is plenty of hair for a very good shave.

I usually shave twice a week. I work Mon-Thur nights, and I'll shave on Monday evening before my week begins, and a Friday morning or afternoon shave to begin my weekend. I wish that I could shave more often, but this is what I've been doing for a few months now, and it works well for me.
I'm lucky. Since I've reduced my equment and blade brands to a minimum I can shave every morning and get a "perfect shave" (BBS with no irritation) 5-6 times out of 7.

Med Preps or Feathers, and avoid "mild" razors like the plague!
For me, daily works well. But every 48 hours is way too rough. However, every 72 hours is perfect and even every four days is great. It's just every other day is very difficult.
72 hours for me. Anything sooner and it feels like the hairs are being yanked. Back in my sensor days. I'd have to run a trimmer through my beard first and then shave.
2-3 days here too. This was my pace even when I used a Mach 3. My skin recovers, and the shaves are more comfortable. If I shave every day, no matter what technology, I get irritation.
I've been shaving just about every day. I have so many samples to try I look forward to it. Before the DE I would shave once a week.
Twice a day for me when I have time. I'm really enjoying getting into wetshaving and it's a treat for me at this point.
Yeah, I'm about the same - I get a better shave if I wait 3 days (though I tend to shave every 2 days as I'm starting to look a bit scruffy).

Another thing that feels very good is going a month and then shaving, either with an OC or a straight - I used to do that all the time a few years back.
I shave every day but if I'm using a DE, then i'll have to go with a mild razor and a sharp blade. If I skip a day I get the best shaves with the same setup. Over 2 days of growth I'll pull out the slant or R41 and get a great shave. Especially with the slant. If I were to try to shave that much growth with my daily razor then it wouldn't be a good shave at all.
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