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Best Personnas on Amazon.com?

Hello all,
Sorry, as I'm sure this has been dealt with a zillion times, but I could really use some expertise from the group.

I have a bunch of credits (from gift cards) on Amazon.com, and wanted to try out the Personnas, preferably the Labs or Meds. I have tried the Crystals, which I find excellent, but they are only good for about 2-3 great shaves, then the shave deteriorates quickly... I'm hopeful that the Labs/ Meds would offer a better shave, longer.

I can see the stainless steel w/ comfort coating, for about $20/ 100. Any good? Are there better ones on Amazon?

I know there are some very good sellers here that sell them, just trying to keep a lid on the spending, and use the gift card I already have.

As always, all information/ thoughts most welcome, and thanks in advance.


EDIT: I do see these http://www.amazon.com/74-0002--Pers...-4&keywords=personna+double+edge+razor+blades
which appear to be Med Preps... ($54 for 100 w/ shipping)
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Thanks- so those are the Blues (which I think are also called stainless). For sub $20/ 100, worth getting- worst case is a trade or a PIF, either way, someone is going to benefit. I have some Astra SPs that I don't like (don't agree with my face) that are already in the pile...!

Thanks JD!
The 20 for 100 (If these) are the labs. the others you have linked look like the meds. They are both supposed to be the same blade though. I have only used the meds and found them okay, but many people love them.
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