What I did was preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Put razor in for 10minutes. Use a thick rag and an oven mit for safety while holding the razor as it is VERY hot. I put a thin rag in between needle nose pliers so it cushioned the gripping part a bit as it can scratch/bent the brass. I then bent the tooth little by little. I would take it out after 10minutes, bend with pliers, put it back in oven for 5minutes, take it out bend a little, keep doing that every 5minutes until tooth looks good. Light pressure.
Also I believe cooncatbob had some success with teeth repair
Too late cooncat, I now have one inbred gap toothed razor.
End teeth straightened up okay using the above method but I couldn't resist having a go at one of the really narrow middle teeth, should have left it alone.