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Beginners se razor

Hi all

I’ve had a couple of attempts at shaving with my ever ready 1924 but both times end up nicking my face half a dozen times. I want to continue with the se but what would be the best beginner razor. I’ve heard that the cream plastic handle ever ready are a bit gentler (sorry can’t remember the proper term).

Hope it makes sense and thanks in advance

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Welcome to B&B, Sir Jackp93!
You're most brave to start your journey with that razor and Gem blades!
You can solve the issues with prep, shave angle and simply experience!
We all have gone through it!
And, rather than moving to a different single edge razor, let me suggest a milder double edge, such as a Gillette Tech or similar!
In any case, take your time, gain experience and you'll be having smooth, blood-free shaves in no time!


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
I believe you are referring to the GEM Featherweight. Here‘s a photo I found on the internet:

Though there’s also The Triceratops by @SlimGem

Whichever you mean, I believe either can be gentler than the Ever-Ready 1924. Or need a lot of extra kinetic energy to match the 1924’s injury potential.

While I have, use, enjoy, and recommend The Triceratops – it looks like a dinosaur and, therefore, is baby – you can get comfortable, close shaves using an Ever-Ready 1924 without needing a transfusion or skin graft.

1. Assuming you’re using too much pressure. You’ll always need enough pressure for the contours of your 1924’s blade to contact your whiskers, but the amount of pressure that’s required may be a lot less than imagined (as we all hold our 1924 in a dominant appendage – some of us calling it a “Shovel Head” as visions of joyful shaves dance in our synapses – and ponder optimal shaving pressure).

2. Da blades! Are you using GEM-style brands such as Personna, Accutec, or PAL? It’s often recommended to get the PTFE-coated stainless GEM-style blades from Personna (now Accutec who made the blades for Personna). I think they’re pricy as foretold, but haven’t yet found the off-brand that’ll break their monopoly. I can tell you it’s not stainless GEM-style blades from Foshio. The box I bought was terrible for shaving and terrible for scraping (but they were comfortable while failing to unscruff my face…)

3. The angle. If you’ve read vintage ad-copy from Ever-Ready or just random shave junkies on the internet, it’s always “30° if you please.” With that and the folks using GEM-brand Micromatic razors saying to raise the back of the razor off one’s face until it sounds like buttering toast when shaving, there’s a tendency to use an angle steeper than one is accustomed and it’s very easy to lawn-dart the edge into one’s skin at such angle (especially going ATG). Place the top of the razor on your skin and don’t let your hand or its weight indent your skin. Tilt the back of your razor off your skin until the blade’s edge barely catches your whiskers and it should work gooder.

Wishing you increased comfort and joy in your Happy Razor Fun Time experiences.
The GEM Contour is very mild, I find it tough to get a DFS with but will serve you better than the 1924. I would suggest a GEM 1912, pretty easy to get good shaves with.

As stated above, the shave angle is key with a GEM style razor, much different than a DE razor.

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
I’ve had a couple of attempts at shaving with my ever ready 1924 but both times end up nicking my face half a dozen times.

Ever Ready razors in general have always had a bit of a rep for being more aggressive than Gem-branded razors. One hears the Shovel Head is particularly acute in that regard. That said, I have an Ever Ready 1914, the "Little Lather Catcher" and it's a great little Gem-format razor. If you can find one of those...

I want to continue with the se but what would be the best beginner razor.

It's truth or seems like it that one can find milder razors in Gem format than in AC format. Perhaps the mildest AC singe-edge is the ATT X1 if you can find one. With a 0.55mm gap it's intended to be super mild. Next up the line is the RazoRock Hawk V3. I found them (both the SB and OC versions) to be a bit more than I wanted but they are marketed as an AC "starter" razor. I used to have a few skin tags on my neck; shaving twice with the Hawk V3OC got rid of all of them. The OC plate they use is the "Jaws" pattern with wide tooth spacing. Goes through rather than over minor skin blemishes.

In Gem-format there are some options. The Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Starling V2 is still made, I think. Although it's an aluminum razor, it's a very nice Gem-format shaver. I like the OC version better than the SB version. I'm not going to classify the Wolfman WR3 as a "beginner" razor, but I find that the 0.35mm OC version is probably the best Gem-format razor I've ever used bar none.

In the vintage razors, you'll likely find milder razors branded Gem than Ever Ready. The Gem Clog-Pruf is supposedly mild. I had one for a while but it was NOS when I got it and I never used it. :rolleyes: I've got a Gem Jr. Bar lathercatcher, but don't recommend that for a daily driver. The Gem Micromatic Open Comb (MMOC) is considered a fairly aggressive razor, which I can attest as an owner of one.

Many like the Gem 1912 pattern. They're quite common and I've had a few of them. Mostly they're too mild for me, but that's me. They may be perfect for you. Prices are going up a little, but the Gem 1912 used to be about the cheapest vintage Gem one could find. I don't think I've ever paid more than $3.00 for one, and some guys remember getting them tossed in for free when buying another razor.

Those are some of the options. Somewhere in there you ought to find something congenial to you.

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