are any of you registered donors for bone marrow? I was watching Rock Center lastnight with Brian Williams and they did a segment on bone marrow donors and the process to find a match. I was surprised to learn that of all the donors who register, over 50% backout when matched with someone in need. I was shocked to hear this and wondered why these donors back out to begin with. I guess I found it morally repugnant that a donor match would hold someone's life in their hands and then deny them the opportunity to a full life. there are those who also advocate paying donors money to encourage them to register. I think once you monetize a necessity that can save someone's life you cease to be a 'donor' and are now a 'seller.' anyway, I'm in the process of registering through the national bone narrow donor site and will do the DNA swab test. their website claims that there's a higher need from those of mixed race, which is what I am, so maybe I can actually help someone in need.what about you?