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BBS shave... what?

I dunno what I'm doing wrong here, Everyone's raving about achieving BBS shaves and all, but I've never in my life achieved such a thing, Feeling a little left out here guys.

Even doing multiple passes WTG, XTG, ATG (up to six all up) and I just don't seem to pull it off.

But then again, I never managed to get that sort of shave back in the bad ol days of Goop-in-a-can and twelvety blade disposables.

Mind you, I still love the sensation of shaving with my straights, from the prep of the soap, to the toss of the dice to determine which of my beauties to use, I love it. I just feel like I'm doing something wrong when everyone's talking about "BBS" as the objective to attain. :confused:
I can get it, I just don't aim for it anymore. While I found it nice, it kept me from having to shave the next day... so I stopped doing it :blushing:
I just feel like I'm doing something wrong when everyone's talking about "BBS" as the objective to attain. :confused:

Maybe you should take a look at those babies! :letterk1:

Seriously, how long have you been at it?

I'm about eight months in and I can still get a good shave easier with an SE than with a straight. I can do just as well with a straight but it takes more work and there is still a place (on my neck) where I risk getting cut when I force a BBS in that area. Every so often I get that just right so I maintain my hope that it will eventually be easy there too.


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I didn't get any BBS with my straights yes but I'm still new at it. Working my way there. It's getting closer and closer. With a DE, it's a different story...
I'd suggest trying out something different.

I've had 3 straight bbs shaves in a row and I don't even do a WTG pass. I start XTG from my ear inward. Halfway in, I do a ATG on my cheeks. If I want SMOOTH I'll do 3 or 4 ATG there since that's where my real problem hair lies.

Then I'll do the other side then finally an ATG on my sideburns.

The only place I go WTG is on my lip.

I think the reason I can get BBS now is I don't 'waste' my time with WTG shaves when I need so many more ATG shaves. I could do WTG but then I'll get irritation.

See how your hair grows, figure out what passes you really need.
I can get it, I just don't aim for it anymore. While I found it nice, it kept me from having to shave the next day... so I stopped doing it :blushing:

:lol: true addict speaking.
It's sort of random for me. Well, I bet it's not random, I just don't know what the specific factors are. Some days I get BBS, and this used to be more true in the past, with WTG XTG ATG 3 passes. Nowadays I shave four passes WTG XTG XTG other way and ATG and just get near BBS. There's always some stubble just sticking up. Can't figure out why or what it is that made the difference.
At least I've gotten to the point that I can consistently reach this level of smoothness with little or no irritation
It's a journey I guess :001_rolle...
For the times That I really need a BBS shave, I will use my DE Merkur Futur with a Super Iridium blade. It will give me that shave everytime without irritation, bloodshed or drama.
Honestly, I don't think that there is much room for improvement over the shave I get from my Futur.
All that being said, I use my straight razors more often, just because they are more fun to shave with.
Now I must admit that I have only been using a straight for about 7 months, whereas I have used DE razors for over a decade.
I believe that with enough practice and learning, someday I will be able to match the performance of my Futur with my Dovo. I don't think that there is anyway I could ever top it though.
As long as you are enjoying your shaves, you're doin it right.
Speaking with both my doctor, and barber, (old school crusty guy) some skin types just can't take the shave as well as others. My barber went one further and said, "to always go for BBS is just asking too much of some faces." I have to admit that I relaxed the stress of always getting BBS and now some days I get it some I don't. The most important thing I have come to love is little to no irritation on most shaves. I will take that over BBS any day. Just my newbie $.02.
I'd say it takes some experimention with different strokes and passes. I started messing with a straight two years ago but only when I stopped playing with DEs did I get the shave I wanted.

In fact, today was my first BBS without burn with a razor I honed. I am addicted. Enjoy the straights and feel free to play along. You'll learn something new.
I'm not an expert, but I am willing to bet that since you are posting this in the straight razor forum, its probably not your blade but instead your lather. I find that my lather prep really make all the difference whether I am using a DE, SE or a straight. Razor technique could be an issue but try to do a little research into whipping it up.
bit more information for you guys,

Using T&H shaving cream, lathered up to resemble quite a fluffy merangue, Razor's either one of my Dovos, 5/8 the both of them, I've managed to fluff through honing them up myself (20 strokes of a spyderco fine, thirty on a spyderco ultrafine, then a runover with CrOx pasted paddle, topped off with at least twenty to thirty strokes bothways on the hanging strop), dunno if they're 'properly' honed or anything, They shave well enough, I mean, I'm not getting any pulling, or unshaved patches, so it's quite likely not the equipment, Possibly technique, and possibly just my whiskers.

Been doing this straight razor malarkey almost two years now, Admittedly not Every Day, usually shaving at night after a shower. I believe my lather is more then sufficiant (used heirkb's guide as a guide as to what makes a 'good' lather)
Usually give a quick strop between each pass, no more then ten runs on the strop

Possibly worth looking into getting a heavier razor then then two 5/8ths that I've got? I've not managed to have many antique store finds around here in Brisbane, and ebay is a bit of a 'iffy' thing for me
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