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B&B Photo Contest-July 2013. Time To Vote!

This month's theme comes curiosity of Edcculus.

Edcculus said:
This month, I want to ramp things up a bit. I'm choosing Double Exposure for the theme. I know we have a mix of film and digital shooters here, so the rules can be kind of lax on how you acheive the double exposure. Film shooters should achieve the double exposure in camera (ie true double exposure by exposing the film twice without advancing). You also have the option of doing some darkroom magic with 2 negatives, masks etc. Get creative. Digital shooters, I challenge you to create a true double exposure in the camera. Example, you may be able to trick the camera by taking a long exposure and covering the lens part way through and moving the camera. Otherwise, you are allowed to overlay images in a photo editing program. Doing it properly can take as much skill and visualization anyways. Remember you are only to mimic a double exposure, not create a photo collage.

I think this is an excellent theme.

Theme: Double Exposure
Rules: You must be the photographer
One entry per month
Try to make the image a recent one

Good luck all!
I'll also add that some digital cameras (esp higher end DSLRs) have a double exposure option in the menu settings. Read your instructions, or google your model number along with double exposure to see if yours can do it. This isn't something photographers "normally" want to happen, so it could be hidden.
Is this strictly double exposure (two) or is multiple exposure ok as well? I can do 10 shots in camera on my digital, but I may see if my F100 is willing to learn a new trick!

I think it would be OK to expose the same frame as many times as you want (digital or film). I've never used an F100, but I'm sure there is a double exposure button or setting somewhere.
Yeah, I'm sure its in there somewhere! I know my N60 can do it, so the F100 should be able to!

Just pulled the batteries off the charger and am heading out before it gets too hot!

Sorry for my ignorance, but can someone PM me a pic with what a "double exposure" is like or should be like. i am not really sure i understand what it is!:blushing:
Double or multiple exposure is a term from the film days. In the most simple terms, it can happen on a roll film camera when you forget to advance the film. Thus, you expose a single frame with 2 (or more) different images.

Here is a simple example from Wikipedia

Going further, you can do a lot of things with multiple exposure. Will you keep the camera in the same spot on a tripod? You could capture the moon in several positions in the sky, or make it look like a single person has multplied in the frame that way. Or you could do like this example and take a picture of 2 different things. The possibilities are endless.
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Is this strictly double exposure (two) or is multiple exposure ok as well? I can do 10 shots in camera on my digital, but I may see if my F100 is willing to learn a new trick!


Multiple exposure on the F100 is set on the film advance mode selector (the dial on the left hand side). Set the dial to the image with the two conjoined rectangles forming a dark rectangle in the center (hope that makes sense). Don't forget to adjust exposure based on the number of shots you intend to take. And don't forget to turn off the multiple exposure when you complete your image series. Once done, switch to another mode and press the shutter release halfway to advance the film.

Don't forget to turn it off when your done... I've killed a lot of photo's forgetting to switch it off :)
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Thanx Mr. Bob, I just haven't played with it on the F100 since I got it. Sounds very much like the same operation as the N60 from what I remember.

Sorry for my ignorance, but can someone PM me a pic with what a "double exposure" is like or should be like. i am not really sure i understand what it is!:blushing:

I just started a thread in the sub-forum with an example of a multple exposure just so you can see what it is all about.

In addition to complete overlays, I have seen masked frames combined with multiple exposure for some creative effects. Things like covering the bottom half of the frame and shooting a man composed of waist up in the visible frame, then covering the top half and shooting a horse from the shoulders down in the visible frame. Sonce both images are in one frame you just created a centaur if things lined up correctly.

It is a very creative process, and like the example I posted in the other thread can be comprised of more than just two images. My example is of 5 images in one frame.

Promise I should have an image up in a week or so. I need a very bright day for what I'm planning on doing, and its been raining here for about 2 weeks. Hopefully I'll finish up my roll of FP4 today with what I'm trying to do, then get it developed and into the darkroom sometime in the next 2 weeks.
So hopefully no one laughs too hard, this is my first ever attempt at double exposure and I tried to keep true to the theme by taking two shots on a digital and simply superimposing one image over the other in the same way that I would if I were using film. I overexposed the first image very deliberately (hope this is the right way to do it). I'm pretty happy with the result (particularly because my young son was so helpful with the portrait shot) and I hope it resonates with this months theme:

This month's theme was enough to have me wandering around in the city yesterday with a film camera and looking for potential double/triple exposures. I found this one- a simple snap/flip the camera 180° snap gave me this image.


David, very cool and creative! I have an idea for what I want to compose, but I am working an 8 day stretch right now, then the wife's birthday, work again, then weekend getaway for the wifes birthday. Maybe I can get some pics of her in her new dress too! I'm also trying to convince a close friend who does fashion modelling to let me take some pics of her for this assignment.

Just so much to consider on this one! By far my favorite topic yet.

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