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B&B, Movember & YOU!

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Movember is upon us. A month where we decide that 100% BBS is terrible. A month where we decide that we are too manly for a bald upper lip. A month where we decide to grow a Mo to raise awareness and money to fight prostate cancer and male depression.


This is my 3rd Movember, each year I get into it in a big way - and now your friend and mine, Scott - aka Burt Reynolds, aka hdstreetglide is leading the B&B charge towards putting a Mo on all of our faces.


Last year $80.7 million was raised - I have no doubt that B&B can make a difference to this total. Join us yourself, get your friends and family in on it. Email out a memo and bully the quiet guy who sits accross from you at work to grow a mo and have some fun.


So please sign up and join the B&B team! Ever wanted a Mo but didnt want to stuggle through that first horrible week when it looks terrible, and people ask if you have lost your job? Now you have the perfect excuse to try out your new face! Or even just donate to your B&B mo' growin' brothers in arms.Even if you only raise $5 from an understading wife, and a confused co-worker, rocking the 'tash for a month raises the profile of these scourges of masculinity, and every dollar helps.


Big steps have been taken towards changing attitudes and habits relating to men’s health around the world, but there is still much to be done to catch up with the women’s health movement. Via the moustache, Movember aims to fulfill its vision of having an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health by continuing to spark conversation and spread awareness of men’s health issues each year


Details to follow, but I will be giving out prizes for the most money raised by a DE user, the most money raised by a straight user, and a 100% brand spanking new custom title for the team member with the best Mo at the end of the month.
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I was thinking about Mo-vember.. gasp... It would be the first time in 20 years I have shaved the goateee.... True I have a good to go stache.. but I have never shaved a chin!!!! Decisions decisions!!!!
Just to make the decision harder for you... You have to start with a bald top lip on nov1. No run-ups and starting with a big bushy mo!
Let's do it--I'll shave off the goat for only the second time in 10 years so I can start Movember off right! (The first time was my wedding, four years ago.)

Just joined the B&B team.

I guess this will help me up my game, too. I've been feeling all high and mighty because I can get BBS with no nicks or anything and I'm a noob...but I haven't had to tackle my chin yet. Wish me luck!

"Join B&B's Movember fundraising team and help beat cancer. The junk you save just might be your own!"
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I won't be joining the clean lip crowd on Nov 1st, it takes far too long for my moustache to grow in people won't start to notice it until December. I'll be walking around with a run-up.

I'll be donating and sporting a 'stache to hopefully inspire others to grow out or shave one in too.
OK...I joined the BadgerandBlade.com team...my wife isn't happy about it, but she'll make due, just like she did last year...
OK...I joined the BadgerandBlade.com team...my wife isn't happy about it, but she'll make due, just like she did last year...

I'm in the same boat. My girlfriends not very happy either... her exact quote..."you're not going to Thanksgiving with my family with hair on your lip....." My response..."oh, yeah!?!?!" I've never been a great debater...lol

But I told her to deal with it. :001_tt2:
Just to make the decision harder for you... You have to start with a bald top lip on nov1. No run-ups and starting with a big bushy mo!

Gasp! Well.. that made it easier to decide lol.. I'll just donate to my bare lipped brethren! I have never shaved my lip and I don't think I'll start now... heh


I wanna be sedated!
If anybody has any pictures or comments they would like on our team page, send them to me and I will make sure they get posted. :thumbup:
Imagine that...I was already going to do this on my own, so perhaps I will join up to this team as well. I guess the only difference with a team could be team wide donations in addition to individual ones?
What to do.....just got into a relationship with a woman waaaaaay out of my league (meaning she's in a much higher league,) not sure how she'd take it.

I say I'm gonna grow one. If I MO up and she comes back, she's mine. But if I MO up and she bolts, then it was never meant to be.
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