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Attention: Floid and Old Spice fans

You might like Skin Bracer Cool Spice. I know I do. I actually prefer it over Floid. It has an awesome (Old Spice/Floid) scent plus a bit of menthol. I couldn't find any in my area so I bought some on ebay a while back. Definitely in my top three aftershaves.


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To my knowledge, Skin Bracer Cool Spice is a discontinued product, and has been for quite some time.

The Skin Bracer Cooling Blue appears to be discontinued as well. But it was discontinued more recently than Cool Spice.
To my knowledge, Skin Bracer Cool Spice is a discontinued product, and has been for quite some time.

The Skin Bracer Cooling Blue appears to be discontinued as well. But it was discontinued more recently than Cool Spice.

That's too bad. I really like both.
I was about to say I didn't think I've seen this on the shelves. I've bought skin bracer before, but I didn't really like it that much.
Skin Bracer Cooling Spice is by far my favorite AS.
I found a few bottles in the wild, then bought a few more on the 'bay, so I'm reasonably stocked up for now.
Having never tried Floid, I'm intrigued by the comparison. Just what DOES Floid smell like?
You were lucky to grab those, in glass bottles, no less! I had Cool Spice back in middle school, along with Sport Talc. Remember that one? It was sort of a light blue color. Loved both of them a lot more than the Original scent.
If you like these three AS, you should give AV Musk a try too. Also, Jovan's Sex Appeal For Men (despite it's swinging 70s name) is an excellent choice.
Sex Appeal is AMAZING. It sucks they don't make Cool Spice anymore, I have a bottle from a member and sadly I hate using it because of its rarity. Now, I've heard mixing Pinaud Bay Rum and Old Spice gets similar, though.
For those of you in the Triangle area of NC, there is a beauty supply store in Durham--Beauty World, located at 1418 Avondale Drive just off of I-85, (919) 683-3281--that has at least a few SB Cool Spice plastic bottles still in stock. ...At least that was true the last time I was in there a month or two ago. I seem to remember about 8-10 bottles on the shelf. The price, IIRC, was a whopping $2.99 for a 5 oz container.

Have at them, Gents!
If you like these three AS, you should give AV Musk a try too. Also, Jovan's Sex Appeal For Men (despite it's swinging 70s name) is an excellent choice.

Jovan's Sex Appeal is on my list. I have AV Musk and enjoy it very much and unlike Floid it doesn't leave a film.
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