A very nice & very friendly member here at B&B, who has a wife that will work in Copenhagen this year, has done me the huge favor of buying me a Rooney Stubby 2XL 2-Bander at Vintage Blades (it's impossible to buy anywhere in Europe online and Vintage Blades don't ship outside of the US) and we will meet up in September in Copenhagen over a couple of beers
But I wonder what to expect from it, compared to the Simpsons Chubby 2 in 2-Band, which I know a couple in here owns. Is the Chubby 2 2-Band a huge lather hog compared to the Stubby 2XL 2-Bander ?
I only face lather these days and only use creams, but I consider buying both, but if the Chubby 2 is too big of a lather hog, it's not ideal for the stone hard water we have in Copenhagen these days......
Can anyone comment on the difference between these 2 great 2-Band brushes ?
But I wonder what to expect from it, compared to the Simpsons Chubby 2 in 2-Band, which I know a couple in here owns. Is the Chubby 2 2-Band a huge lather hog compared to the Stubby 2XL 2-Bander ?
I only face lather these days and only use creams, but I consider buying both, but if the Chubby 2 is too big of a lather hog, it's not ideal for the stone hard water we have in Copenhagen these days......
Can anyone comment on the difference between these 2 great 2-Band brushes ?