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Aspirin for Razor Burn

My daughter asked me about using aspirin for razor burn. That drew a blank! I searched here for a few minutes, and didn't find any conversations on the topic. Here are the links she gave me...


Anyone know anything about using aspirin for razor burn? Or, is this a joke...

Confused and Ignorant in Texas
Not a joke.

One of the best items on the market for razor burn is Tend Skin. It has aspirin in it. There are some recipies for making it out there but, sometimes it's just best to get the real thing. Plus, the Dr. that makes it is a really cool guy. Well, seems to be from my emailing back and forth with him. I had purchased an expired bottle once. He took care of it. The side chat was a bonus. Anway... yes, is your answer.

Not sure how the Livestrong article calls that naturally. but...who knows.
ok ok..now which chemist here is gonna go invent some pre shave Aspir-Shave and Asperin AS ..I would love to see this..unless its deemed harmful externally of course :lol:
I actually have an allergy to this and will eventually need the synthetic version..but its a great idea!
Not a joke, I believe Mantic has a video on how an aspirin paste is great at fighting ingrown hairs, so not a stretch that it would help razor bumps!
Not a joke.

One of the best items on the market for razor burn is Tend Skin. It has aspirin in it. There are some recipies for making it out there but, sometimes it's just best to get the real thing. Plus, the Dr. that makes it is a really cool guy. Well, seems to be from my emailing back and forth with him. I had purchased an expired bottle once. He took care of it. The side chat was a bonus. Anway... yes, is your answer.

Not sure how the Livestrong article calls that naturally. but...who knows.
I never knew this, Its price kept me away in the store but from time to time i try a new products that has horrible results if it works i dont think its to much, i will have to look about adding this to the den for sure
ok ok..now which chemist here is gonna go invent some pre shave Aspir-Shave and Asperin AS ..I would love to see this..unless its deemed harmful externally of course :lol:
I actually have an allergy to this and will eventually need the synthetic version..but its a great idea!

Umm....someone already did. Tend Skin. Well, not a Chemist, but a Dentist.
The aspirin paste has been a home remedy for severe razor burn for many years. Another remedy I have read about - but never tried - was to spread plain yogurt over the area.
Aspirin is synthetic now, but you can find natural aspirin in poplar tree bark and willow bark. Before companies started making it synthetically people would put some of willow or poplar bark in hot water and steep it like tea. Good thing to know (yet I am not encouraging anyone).
Aspirin inhibits inflammation and pain. If applied topically, it would be expected to have the same effects. Keep in mind, however, that a topical concentration needs to be much lower than that for systemic distribution. Fancy way of saying pills have more than you need on the skin. So don't just grind up a pill and rub it in.
Aspirin also acts as blood thinner so in case of minor cuts or weepers things could get worse.

Thats a good point Ivan. It would be best served for razor burn after the shave, not for treating areas with broken skin. After ~30 mins, however, any necessary clotting should be complete and it should not be an issue
It seems to me that folks are confusing razor burn with razor bumps/ingrown hairs. In my mind those are two completely separate things and I would never dream of putting TendSkin on razor-burned skin.
Not a joke, I believe Mantic has a video on how an aspirin paste is great at fighting ingrown hairs, so not a stretch that it would help razor bumps!


about 0:55

EDIT: haha, Starter Kit Surfer - gotta love the titles here, I don't think I've been on a forum as cryptic & creative with their titles as B&B :thumbup1:
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I make an unscented a/s-hairtonic .It is pretty simple- 8 oz witch hazel,2 oz alchohol,2 aspirin, 1 teaspoon boric acid and glycerin to your liking .I think my last bottle had 30-40 drops of glycerin.I use it as a hair tonic or mix it with some of the stronger a/s such as Clubman .It seems to add an extra bit of soothing.
It seems to me that folks are confusing razor burn with razor bumps/ingrown hairs. In my mind those are two completely separate things and I would never dream of putting TendSkin on razor-burned skin.

+1. I was about to post this same comment, but you beat me to it.
It seems to me that folks are confusing razor burn with razor bumps/ingrown hairs...

Oh! You are right. I reread the three ads, and you are right. But, the verbiage is confusing. Here's an example...

Razor burn is a fact of life for most of us. Getting rid of unwanted hair can leave you with unwanted bumps in its stead. A simple home remedy, however, can keep those red bumps at bay.

I underlined "burn." They mentioned razor burn, then switched to bumps, and I didn't catch that they weren't talking about razor burn at all.

Thank you
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