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Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Oh good! I've been meaning to ask Ouch a question.

Ouch, can you remember what I was gonna ask you?

Whatever it may be should be covered in this video.

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Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
If we bomb north korea or iran or somebody, would the nuclear winter and global warming cancel each other out and keep things normal? A 10 foot rise in sea level would be very inconvenient in New Orleans. I took the precaution of moving onto my sailboat a few years ago but I wouldnt want my favorite bars to be underwater. So, how bout it... will a few dozen nukes fix things?


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
If we bomb north korea or iran or somebody, would the nuclear winter and global warming cancel each other out and keep things normal? A 10 foot rise in sea level would be very inconvenient in New Orleans. I took the precaution of moving onto my sailboat a few years ago but I wouldnt want my favorite bars to be underwater. So, how bout it... will a few dozen nukes fix things?

Just love those laser guided bombs.
They're really great For righting wrongs.
Dear Ouch,

Is it acceptable to strop my blades on my denim jorts?

Thank you,


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Dear Ouch....

Why is it called a Double Edge razor?

I can only use one edge at a time so shouldn't it be called a dual single edge razor?

Am I missing something about how to use the razor properly to get a double edge shave instead of a dual single edge shave?

Please help me :ouch1:


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Dear Ouch....

Why is it called a Double Edge razor?

I can only use one edge at a time so shouldn't it be called a dual single edge razor?

Am I missing something about how to use the razor properly to get a double edge shave instead of a dual single edge shave?

Please help me :ouch1:

Ah, this is a common question. Much as the kamisori razor was intended (as the story goes) to be used to shave someone else rather than oneself, as in the case of a barber shaving a customer, the double edge razor was originally intended to be be used to shave two people simultaneously. The men would position themselves nearly cheek to cheek, while the operator would shave his right cheek and his partner's left cheek at the same time. The men would then switch positions and the blade wielder would proceed to simultaneously shave his own left cheek and his partner's right cheek. This was common practice during the early part of the 20th century when shaving cream was scarce. It was the most popular form of shaving of its day, until it was discovered that it was ill suited for the trench warfare of WW1. There was simply not enough room in the foxholes to allow for the required mobility. That, combined with the somewhat embarrassing positions required of the double upper lip and double ATG neck strokes, proved to be the death knell of the medium.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Gray's Papaya, but only between the hours of 10PM and 4AM. Much like White Castle hamburgers, they react with light.
I work with a rancher (not his day job) who has cattle and horses. He drives a pickup truck, wears cowboy boots, and wears bolo ties.

Which aftershave scent would be a better gift, patchouli or vanilla ylang ylang?
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