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Arko - does it lose fragrance when left open/uncovered?

I've got a stick of Arko I'm dying to try, but I don't have any sealable containers (either tub or twist) to pack it into. Does it maintain its scent and moisture if left open, or do I have to find something to put it in?

The scent will mellow out a whole lot. It still works just as well though. I had to put a fresh stick in a resealable bag because it was stinking up the bathroom. Great performer, awful scent! YMMV
Thanks Danricgo. I'll make sure to keep it covered somehow, so I don't annoy my roommates. They've adjusted to my newbie den gracefully so far, but I don't want to push it...
You can squish it into any plastic container or, as stated above, put the whole stick into a zip baggie. Just do everything in your powers to not let the scent mellow. You want to be able to bask in the Arkoie goodness for as long as you can!
Nigel- As Dan alluded to, leaving this soap fully open will dissipate some fragrance

When I first used this soap, I found it burned my face. Daunted, but not discouraged, I un-wrapped the stick, left it to sit for a few days to outgas, tried several days later, no more burn. I love this soap, but I unwrap first

Also, I don't have much of a beard to grab soap from shave sticks so I grate this stick into a glass dish and load my brush that way. Others will mash (press into place) the stick into the container of their choice, it's that soft, but I like to grate my soaps using food graters


Reddick Fla.
The stick I have been using when face lathering I have kept unwrapped (in a drawer) and it has pretty much lost all its fragrance. Right when I apply it you can smell it a bit but usually that goes away fast too. Its a shame, I like the smell of Arko.
I stole a small air tight plastic container from the cupboard and I mashed my stick in it. I store my spare sticks in a air tight container.
I keep mine in an old twist container I had left over from a shave stick I had purchased from Charles at QED. It was a little large for the Arko stick at first but after a few shaves it expanded a bit and works find. I am not a fan of the scent but the performance more than makes up for the smell.
After I shave with it, I wrap it in 10 layers of plastic wrap and 20 layers of alluminum foil. The I place it in a vacuum bottle stuffed with crushed lemon pez. This seems to keep the scent a bit longer.

As stated above, if you want the scent to stay strong then it is best to cover it.
I just can't see anyone wanting to keep the smell for longer, but I put mine in an airtight plastic container because I prefer a bowl to a stick.
It's soft enough to mush or you can use a grater.

If you use a grater, don't use the only one that you have.
Go to the dollar store and buy one for a buck.
if you don't, your wife will say "why does my grater stink?" and you'll have to answer her.

Trust me. I know how that goes.
I keep a fresh Arko stick next to my bed, it keeps the mosquito's away.

I love the smell of Arko in the morning!
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