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Are you a scrubber?

I was thinking, my old face might benefit from a scrub. It seems that removing the surface layer of dead skin and debris along with smoothing the face might improve the shaving experience.

Anyone here scrub and what would you recommend?

I dont - I always assumed that my facelathering and then shaving itself removed anything worth removing.

Ill be interested to see how many guys here scrub and their experiences with it
I typically face lather and at least 3 times a week I use a shorter, stiffer brush. That seems to be enough for me.
I used the Nivea face scrub for awhile also. I posed a similar question on the newbie/shave clinic board about using face scrubs when I was new to the forum. Most responses I got made the point that there's certainly enough exfoliating going on during 3-4 passes of dragging a sharp metal blade across your face not to mention the brush passes in between to account for the same action as rubbing abrasives across your face before you even start the shaving process. At first I didn't change anything, but I tend to agree with these posters now. It seemed to me that the face scrubbing only served as a pre-irritant to the already proven skin irritating process of dragging that blade over my skin multiple times. I stopped using face scrub altogether on my shaving surfaces since I switched from my M3 to a DE. I only use face scrub on my T-zone (forehead & nose area) now and it works quite well there. Interestingly enough, I very rarely see any pimples, blackheads or the like at all anymore on the areas I shave routinely since I've switched.
I use the Neutrogena "Razor Defense" (whatever that means) Face Scrub a couple times a week. Feels good, but I don't know if it helps or not. Still seeing the same ol' face in the mirror.
I use the Neutrogena "Razor Defense" (whatever that means) Face Scrub a couple times a week. Feels good, but I don't know if it helps or not. Still seeing the same ol' face in the mirror.

I used to use this around 8 months ago and I did not notice any kind of "razor defense" where it says reduces chance of cutting and irritation, it seemed on my face to let the razor to cut my face a bit more... :cursing: I just use Dr Bronners Tea Tree Oil for my face wash and it seems to do a lot better job because I have not cut myself in a couple of weeks...

I use Lab Series for men face srub, but I only use it maybe once a week, or once every two weeks. Mostly I just shave every day. However, I do use a face wash every day.
If I remember to do it, I use a facial scrub on my nose and forehead once or twice a week. I won't do the rest of my face, though, unless I've taken more than a day off from shaving. I prefer scrubs by Clinique Men and Lab Series.
Every second day I do scrub with a very gentle, natural scrub from Garden of Wisdom that's called Takrai Lemongrass Cleanser. It helps keep my pores reasonably unclogged and clear, and my skin soft and supple.
oh yes indeed. I used to use the Body Shop 'Mostly Men' stuff, but now i usually use my wifes 'St Ives Apricot Scrub'. Brilliant stuff, very abrasive compared to some of the other makes which seem to do very little, but cost a lot.

as for the posters who think that shaving is all the exfoliation they need, i disagree - you don't shave your whole face, nose, forehead or around the eyes; all areas that need attention. IMO!
If I remember to do it, I use a facial scrub on my nose and forehead once or twice a week. I won't do the rest of my face, though, unless I've taken more than a day off from shaving. I prefer scrubs by Clinique Men and Lab Series.

This is what I do except I use a Nutragena scrub.
oh yes indeed. I used to use the Body Shop 'Mostly Men' stuff, but now i usually use my wifes 'St Ives Apricot Scrub'. Brilliant stuff, very abrasive compared to some of the other makes which seem to do very little, but cost a lot. IMO!

I use the St. Ives Apricot scrub too because it's very abrasive and does a great job. I agree that using a scrub is nice because it helps clean your forehead, nose etc. Personally, I find my skin feels a lot better after a scrub.
When I found this site and decided to switch to DE shaving, I also read about proper beard/skin prep before the shave. I try to get anything that might get in the way of my razor off my face before shaving. So, I got some French soaps: the Savon de Marseilles olive soap (600g cube that should last awhile!), a honey soap, and a lilac vegetal soap. Each morning I wash my face with a facecloth in the shower, and each evening I wash again at the sink. These soaps have taken the place of good old Ivory soap. Having a couple of soaps from which to chose makes washing up a little more interesting, just as a variety of soaps and cremes makes each morning's shave less dull. I don't know exactly what is responsible for the change (exfoliation or moisturizing soap?), but the wrinkles on this 40+ year old face are not as noticeable now. Just another benefit of finding this site!
More of a soap and water kind of guy, myself. I never liked those gritty exfoliating wunderbar facial scrubs, tho I don't mind them so much if a shot of whiskey is involved.
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