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Anyone shave their back?

I have a few patches that bother me and I usually use the "mangroomer" to get to these areas. It's a battery operated unit with a very long expandable handle and essentially an electric razor head. A poor one at that. It's more of a trim than a shave. But I know of nothing better at the moment. I am single so there isn't someone to handle this task for me, nor do I know that I would if I wasn't single. Wondering if there are others out there who use other tools or gadgets that are available or if they have developed an innovative way. I tried to put a cart razor on an extension once and it just didn't seem to work. I think it's angles.
I don't have a lot of hair on my back. As I've grown older, I seem to have more on the back of my shoulders and my neck hair seems to stretch farther and farther. But below the level of my upper shoulders, nothing. The hair I do have is fairly sparse...not thick at all, just annoying. I can reach most of it myself by just reaching over one shoulder and the other with the opposite hand. I relegate this task to my Gillette Sensor. However, I can't get it all. Since I'm in my 40's now and married 16 years, I don't worry about it as much. I shave the back of my neck at least weekly, because I hate guys with hairy necks. You have this nice business haircut and then you let the hair grow like a Sasquatch down the back of your neck...yuck; keep it clean and tidy. I also keep the hair from my chest down below the level it would show over my t-shirt, since I don't wear a tie anymore, so my top button is always undone. Again, my hair isn't shag carpet thick, but nonetheless it must be kept in check. Nothing like sitting in a business meeting and looking at a guy with a jungle coming out the top of his dress shirt.

When I do need or want my neck shaved, I usually just ask the wife to to it. When I was single I just reached the best I could and lived with it. I have not knowingly ever lost a girlfriend or had one not want to go out with me or let me close the deal because of a little hair on my back. Believe me, there are plenty of other reasons for the fairer sex to reject me for a bit back hair to be my biggest concern. :lol:

I don't see why a double blade cartridge with a pivoting head even taped to a stiff dowel rod or something couldn't be made to work. Sorry, I don't have any better solutions. It does seem odd that with all the "As Seen On TV" garbage inventions you see there isn't at least one thing to help a guy trim his back up.
My buddies at the scholarship hall I lived in when i went to college nicknamed me Wookie. One late spring Saturday night after going to bed our fire alarm in the hall went off. The temp. was about 40F and I was walking around outside with just a pair of shorts and flip flops while everyone else were wrapped up in blankets, quilts and what not to stay warm. When the cops and firemen got done checking everything out came over to tell us we could go back inside one cop came up to me and said, " Son let me give you some advice do not EVER walk around outside without a shirt on. If we were anywhere else someone might mistake you for a Bigfoot and shoot you."
Later that year we did a charity drive and I raised a bunch of cash by letting the 2 highest bidders play tic tac toe on my back with dog clippers. When the game was over I had them trim the rest of my back until it was clean shaven. That was the itchiest few weeks I have ever spent when the hair was growing back. I swore I would never do that again.
My buddies at the scholarship hall I lived in when i went to college nicknamed me Wookie. One late spring Saturday night after going to bed our fire alarm in the hall went off. The temp. was about 40F and I was walking around outside with just a pair of shorts and flip flops while everyone else were wrapped up in blankets, quilts and what not to stay warm. When the cops and firemen got done checking everything out came over to tell us we could go back inside one cop came up to me and said, " Son let me give you some advice do not EVER walk around outside without a shirt on. If we were anywhere else someone might mistake you for a Bigfoot and shoot you."
Later that year we did a charity drive and I raised a bunch of cash by letting the 2 highest bidders play tic tac toe on my back with dog clippers. When the game was over I had them trim the rest of my back until it was clean shaven. That was the itchiest few weeks I have ever spent when the hair was growing back. I swore I would never do that again.

LOL! Now I don't feel so bad about my little gorilla T-shirt.
I've used the Philips Bodygroom for years now and I really, really like the thing. It certainly doesn't have the long handle of the Mangroomer, but the clippers are very effective. The packaging is clear, so check it out next time you're at your local grocery store.

P.S. if you end up buying one, don't use it in the shower. It says its wet/dry, but it's not. Don't let that deter you from picking one up though; it's a quality product otherwise.
Shaving my back makes it all itchy so I let my GF inflict pain on me every other month... with her waxing strips... OW :scared:.
I did an experiment with nair once. Learned 2 things. 1. Do NOT wipe that stuff off with a dry towel... it says wet towel for a reason. I got a pretty severe chemical burn on a small patch I wiped with a dry towel to see if it'd been on long enough. 2: That stuff causes ingrown hairs something FIERCE. I gotta say if you're gonna smooth your back, waxing has to be the way to go. I can't figure out a good way to shave it evenly and without taking a really long time.
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Thanks for info and uhm....the images. :blush: Seems like the options are limited. You'd think with so much going on behind us we would have been designed a bit better.
Shave no way to itchy. naired the back a few times when working in warehouse full of metal for airplane parts. Stayed cool when sweating and added bonus stayed cool when sleeping as well
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