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Anyone on here from Dublin, Ireland?

I have a quarter bottle of Floris 89 Aftershave (old formulation) that I hardly ever use because I don't want to see it go. My understanding is that the current/new formulation is a fair bit different than the old one. That said, my wife is leaving for Ireland in a few hours and will be in Dublin (amongst other places) while there. It just occurred to me that there might be one or more places in Dublin that might be worth checking for old stock. I can reach her while she is there, if someone sees this a few hours from now. Any suggestions?
I've been in Dublin once, but all I remember is Brown Thomas, a store in Grafton St in Dublin. They have many brands. Your wife can ask when she gets there. Mind you, I would't trust mine. They carry Tiffany, Chanel and Hermes :)
I wonder what aftershave's the Waldorf Barber shop sells... It's a famous old school shop in Dublin I believe, might be worth having her check it out.
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