My luck has definitely turned up some lately. While I have been blessed in the past (for goodness sakes I've had incomplete stranger give me a good condition Type 99 arisaka rifle), I've had a dry spell for a good while now. Today I stopped at a "yard sale" (that I'm pretty sure runs every weekend and it's this ladies side "antiquing" business). A nice, but not completely honest, little old lady was taking money. Lots of corelle that she tried to convince another shopper was from the 1950s (corelle didnt exist until 1970), a few pieces of anchor hocking bakeware that I could tell actually was from the 50s or 60s but purported to be pre-war, some vintage cast iron that was worth only half what she had it marked as... the usual. As I was about to leave, I noticed a couple of small knife boxes hidden on one of the tables. Amongst them I found a Western Cutlery stockman style knife that was essentially new old stock! Factory edge was still quite sharp. It was marked at $30... I almost had convinced her to let me have it for $20, but I finally relented and paid $25 for that and an old oil lamp that was fine but missing the wick (I have a spare wick).
It is US made, but after Camillus bought it out and moved production to NY. The scales are not delrin, but laminated wood finished nicely. Not even so much as any lint in the joints (though it's in my pocket now so I fixed that). I'm happy as a clam with it.
It is US made, but after Camillus bought it out and moved production to NY. The scales are not delrin, but laminated wood finished nicely. Not even so much as any lint in the joints (though it's in my pocket now so I fixed that). I'm happy as a clam with it.