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Anyone know anything about new/updated Muhle Fibres coming?

Long version:

I loved (longish story - look for details in the brushmaking forum) my 21mm Muhle Silvertip Fibre brush. Well, I mostly loved it. The knot is the best I've used (admittedly, the only synthetic, but I have frank's on order for comparison), but I hate the handle. So, after weeks of e-mailing and waiting, I finally got an order in with Muhle for just the knot. Sometime between my last e-mail to Muhle and their last e-mail to me with the order details, I read somewhere on here that Muhle may be releasing an updated version this Fall. If that's the case, I'd rather hold off on my order and see if they made it even better (like a fan shaped brush). Does anyone out there have any news?

Short version:

I heard a rumor that Muhle's Silvertip Fiber brushes are getting an upgrde this Fall. Well, it is Fall - has anyone heard anything? Better yet, does anyone know anything?
Noone knows anything for sure - but there is a rumor.
Expect it to be like the release of an Apple product. You know it for certain, when it has been released.

If Mühle announced it now, sales of their current Silvertip Fibre would very fast be non existing.

An advice. I you like the Stylo handle shape, then consider getting that with a STF 21 mm knot.
'Mühle will 99% surely make the new knot, so it fits with the Stylo handle - and you can then purchase a knot for say $25 from the Mühle shop and exchange it yourself.
I have 2 knots for my Stylo - an 21 STF and a 21 mm Silvertip 3-Band - and will definitely be buying a new synthetic, once they release it.
The only improvement I can think of for the Silvertip Fibers would be to make them less prickly. Maybe Muhle is incorporating some of the forked tips of the Black Fibers into the STFs? This is the first I've heard of the rumor so I really have no idea what improvements could be made. I'll tell you what though....the perfect synthetic in my opinion would be a brush with fibers that lather and splay like the Muhle STF and have the angel softness of the HIS brush tips.
I don't feel like the STF are prickly at all. What I would wish for is a denser knot, such as a HD version and/or shorter fibers. I had the 23mm and now have the 21 since the 23 was way to large for my liking. Might have to try a FS, they just seem so huge!
I have a Muhle 25mm set at 53mm loft, and I dont find it prickly at all. After looking at how the knots are constructed (plastic band method) I honestly dont know how they would make them significantly more dense. If they hand tied them maybe, but thats not how Muhle is making them. With the short loft, its still not a density monster, but with out the giant splay that high lofts brings, 25x53 feels dense and scrubby enough for me.
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I sent them an email and asked to buy a loose knot. It took a couple weeks of emails and another week or two for shipping but I got my knot to play with. After that it was simply a matter of having a handle made, and setting the knot for myself.
I sent them an email and asked to buy a loose knot. It took a couple weeks of emails and another week or two for shipping but I got my knot to play with. After that it was simply a matter of having a handle made, and setting the knot for myself.

Do you happen to have a couple of pics of the end result ?
First off, this is not the permanent handle. I had it custom made, but there was a flaw. The maker was very generous to let me have this one while he got a second blank in to replace it with. The new one handle will be the same though. I just wanted to put it out there before anyone might or might not notice.
$Muhle synthetic 25x53mm.jpg

The bulb shape looks a bit extreme, but with the soft tips and a bit of splay it feels awesome on the face. It has plenty of backbone, but its still nothing like my FS.
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First off, this is not the permanent handle. I had it custom made, but there was a flaw. The maker was very generous to let me have this one while he got a second blank in to replace it with. The new one handle will be the same though. I just wanted to put it out there before anyone might or might not notice.
View attachment 274614

The bulb shape looks a bit extreme, but with the soft tips and a bit of splay it feels awesome on the face. It has plenty of backbone, but its still nothing like my FS.

Beautiful, Loric :thumbup:
I'm waiting for the STF 2.0 to be released, don't know anything yet - just hoping and crossing my fingers .............
The color on the handle did not really come threw. Its this really beautiful orange/copper that I just cant capture on film :001_unsur
I cut almost 20mm off the knot, so ya, I took a lot of height off.

Okay, then I understand it better.
I only use my STF 25 mm for applying my shaving gels - prefer to apply with brush, rather than with my fingers.
Don't use shaving gel that often, so the brush is a dust collector now (maybe use Gel once or twice a month tops) :biggrin1:
Well, with some additional probability that they will be updating it soon, I went ahead and ordered a new one. I really loved mine before I ruined it, adn i'm a bit paranoid that I might not like whatever they do to change it. Of course, I'll have to get one of those when they come out too, whenever that may be. :)
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