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Anyone ever use Dorco double edge blades?

...Now Dorco. What can I say about Dorco. It was the worst out of all of them. With a good shave, I only need to shave every other day. Dorco gave me 5 o'clock shadow. It pulled and tugged on the hairs, not smooth at all. It was the worst shave I've ever had in my life. I would go back to cartridges before using a Dorco blade again. Perhaps I'm being too quick to judge, but there are so many different blades out there that I tossed the Dorcos after that one shave. Terrible.

I see Dorco blades work better for you than for most...
...Now Dorco. What can I say about Dorco. It was the worst out of all of them. With a good shave, I only need to shave every other day. Dorco gave me 5 o'clock shadow. It pulled and tugged on the hairs, not smooth at all. It was the worst shave I've ever had in my life. I would go back to cartridges before using a Dorco blade again. Perhaps I'm being too quick to judge, but there are so many different blades out there that I tossed the Dorcos after that one shave. Terrible.
I see Dorco blades work better for you than for most...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
For me, the Dorco 300 had too much variance from one edge of the DE to the other to enjoy the shave, while the 301 is just narrowly out of my top 5.
In the UK Sainsburys' own DE is actually Dorco ST301. They sell them for £1.99 for 10.
I may try them. Apparently they're not too bad but only last most folks a couple of shaves.
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