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Any non drinkers?

Are you a drinker of alcohol?

  • yes

  • I quit

  • occasionally, no more than once a week

  • no, never have

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I didn't vote as I don't fit into the categories:

Are you a drinker of alcohol? NO
I quit NO
occasionally, no more than once a week NO
no, never have NO
If I were to graph it out, I'd see a perfect bell curve starting in High School, peaking in College, and ending post College. Now, I enjoy a drink or two once or twice a week with the occasional R-James nights. :wink:


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Am I a Non drinker? I've never seen this Non in the liquor store before. Is it a spirit, wine or beer? Can you make good cocktails with it?

I can get you a good price on a case.
I quit. The older I got (35) the more it lost its appeal. Plus I didn't want my son to see me passed out on the kitchen floor.

Very wise indeed. I remember my father passed out in the floor quite vividly. Fortunately for me it had the opposite effect. I don't drink alcohol at all. Never will either.
My entire family tree is Irish, and American Indian... Every guy on my dad's side of the family that wasn't an abstainer was a drunk. It ruined my fathers healthy and nearly ruined his marriage. Why would I want to risk doing the same thing to myself?

I have nothing against anyone who drinks in moderation, and doesn't try to drive in the process, so don't take this last part wrong.

I never could see what the attraction is to drink rotting grape juice, rotting barley soda, or the distilled juices of rotting grain. To me the taste of alcohol tastes of rot and decay. I do however like the smell of bourbon and bay rum. I also eat a bourbon ball now and then. Beyond that, you guys can have my share.
I am not a drinker but I see the great fascination with alcohol here. I have absolutely nothing against it, just not a fan of the taste of most stuff. I will sample stuff to the effect of 2 drinks a year maybe.

"Life's been good to me so far..." Joe Walsh

It is really funny to me that the non-drinker quotes Joe Walsh who once said something along the lines of, "I got drunk once, but it was for 28 years."
If I were to graph it out, I'd see a perfect bell curve starting in High School, peaking in College, and ending post College. Now, I enjoy a drink or two once or twice a week with the occasional R-James nights. :wink:

I do enjoy the occasional tipple thanks!! I have cut down from the 1st year of college where I went considerably more mad, but I still enjoy an occasional drink, for me thats a couple of times a week.

What can I say.. I'm young and single, when else am I gonna party!!
I like a couple drinks to relax . . . Scotch, aged rums, good bourbons, occasionally vodka. Tend to have all of them the same way---rocks and a splash of club soda. Tonic water for the vodka; nice summer drink.

Used to be more of a beer drinker; tried the South Beach diet for a year and one of the guidelines was to drink distilled spirits instead of beer if you were going to drink, because it has fewer carbs.

Yeah. Big hardship that! :biggrin:

I think it's important to my health---moderate drinkers tend to live longer than either tee totallers OR lushes---and I like the rich, complex taste of a quality spirit.

I never could see what the attraction is to drink rotting grape juice, rotting barley soda, or the distilled juices of rotting grain. To me the taste of alcohol tastes of rot and decay. I do however like the smell of bourbon and bay rum. I also eat a bourbon ball now and then. Beyond that, you guys can have my share.

Some of the best stuff in the world comes from rot and decay! Good cheese, 'shrooms...
I do enjoy the occasional tipple thanks!! I have cut down from the 1st year of college where I went considerably more mad, but I still enjoy an occasional drink, for me thats a couple of times a week.

What can I say.. I'm young and single, when else am I gonna party!!

Quote for truth! I'm now young and married. In fact, this thread has revealed a horrible truth for me. Now that all extra funds have been seized and frozen for the "Mr. and Mrs. Lynchmeister want to buy a house this Spring fund," once I finish off the two beers in my fridge, they may be my last for a good long while. :eek::eek::eek:

But we all make sacrifices in life, right? :lol:
Non drinker of alcohol and a bit of a proslytiser of the same. Alcohol is bad for humans (never mind this glass of wine a day bilge-water; the good comes from the grape juice, not the alcohol).

Moreover, I can't afford to loose any control over the precarious grasp I have on my mind; I'm quite daft enough as it is.

Though I do cook with the stuff. Mmmm. Crêpes Suzette; Bananas Forester; Flambé....
I have Cluster Headaches and while I'm in cycle the least bit of alcohol brings on wanna decapitate myself pain, so I have about 2-3, 2 month periods during the year where I can't touch it at all. Other times?, sure I enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, a beer or two or a mixed drink, but I just can't see spending the money on booze that doesn't last when I can buy/indulge in other things......
Seems like a trend has developed here of mostly folks who used to drink a lot and have since tapered off. I fit in this category as well. In my Navy and college years I drank excessively to the point of not quite being an alky but sure could have become one if it continued. Then all of a sudden I got control of myself and stopped. I would classify both my grandfathers as having been functioning alcoholics. My dad prob. could have been one too, but he got it together many years ago. After stopping all the binging, for several years I drank once every two months or so. Today it's at about twice a year plus the odd special occasion every now and then. I've found I lost my taste for most of it and more than a few glasses of anything makes me headachey and tired. Pop on the other hand has it's monkey firmly on my back :biggrin:.
Used to drink alot more when younger. I do enjoy a good Rum & Coke or an Ice Cold Orion now and then, of course only if I'm not driving. The laws in Japan target damn near everybody except the alcohol manufacturers for DWI as seen here: http://www.pacaf.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123066866
I've seen way too many accidents & stupid international incidents attributed to the stuff. Anyways I'm too old and have too much invested in my life for that type of shigitty.:em2300:
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