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Any HTC one users?

I know... I know.. another thread about a phone. But I've done a lot of research about this decision for some time and I need some feedback from my badger and blade brethren.

So i'm deciding right now between getting the new Iphone 5s and the HTC one. I currently have an HTC phone and its almost four years old. Its missing big features like a front facing camera and a large internal memory. Other than that I really like android. I like being able to customize my phone. I like to be able to run widgets, I like being able to sync it with more than just Itunes, I like being able to mount it on my computer as an external hard drive.

I just can't make up my mind. Right now the pros for iPhone are being able to face time with other iPhone users, its easy to use, and will actually be worth something after two years... Other than that it just feels so.. boring.

Can anybody offer up any advice for me. I've looked at other tech websites and it seems like all the comments are just a bunch of fanboys of apple and android arguing with each other.
I have a few friends with the HTC one and they love it. I still have the HTC Amaze and will be trading up fairly soon. The biggest draw back for apple products is every single time there is an update everyone I know with an iphone holds off and asks everybody if they have updated and if their (name a function) still works. Never had that issue with Android.
IMO it depends on what ecosystem you like best. Plus if you've bought a lot apps on Android or IOS then sticking with that ecosystem makes sense.

Both are quality devices although the HTC One is already 6-7 months old and can be had for under $100 on contract in some cases.The 5s is brand new and has a newly updated OS, an updated processor, camera etc. Although it will run you around $300 + tax for the 32gb model.

But the bottom line is go with what you like best. Go to your carrier store and play around with both phones and see which one you think is a better fit for your needs. Plus you usually have 2 weeks after you purchase the phone to decide if it's something you really like.
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If you're used to Android and like Android and the things that it allows you to do, which it seems that you are, you're not going to be as happy with iOS. It really seems to come down to a choice between two mindsets "I just want it to work" versus "I want to be able to control how it works".
I've had my HTC ONE S for about a Year now. It's my third HTC phone, and I'm very happy with it. I'm not a massive app user, so it's probably way over specced for me (aren't most of them for most people?!). Never had any usability issues with the phone and hey, it even makes a decent phone call :biggrin1: Camera is pretty decent too. I haven't had an iphone to compare it with, but if you're after a reliable, nicely designed and well built phone, I'd recommend it (FWIW).

I have a few friends with the one and they all love it. If you like being able to customize your phone then stick with android. One other phone you might want to check out is the moto x. Since it got (or getting, depending on the carrier) the camera software update, its becoming a very solid contender at a decent price
AHH this is such a hard decision. Everything in me wants the HTC. I guess my biggest reasoning for not doing it yet is thinking long term. I don't want to be the guy that could have spent the same money on an iPhone and wind up disappointed down the road with my girlfriend telling me "I told you so" (even though she doesn't really even grasp the reasons why I like android in the first place). Any other reviews would be much appreciated. I know its been out for 6-7 months already now, so if somebody has a long term review of how its holding up, that would be awesome.
I can't contribute any HTC One experience, but another point to think about...

Do you have any sort of "ecosystem" going? It really isn't a huge issue since stuff does play well together these days, but it was a deciding factor for me in whether or not to get the iPhone 5S (which my fiancee just got) or the Moto X (which I'm going to be getting).

What do you use for a computer? Do you have any other computer related devices such as an Apple TV or Google Chromecast?

I use a Chromebook for a laptop and just got a Chromecast, so I like the idea of sticking with an Android phone simply for the purposes of ultimate compatibility.

If you look at reviews of the HTC One on sites like androidcentral.com, it's consistently regarded as one of the top three current Android phones. The build quality is said to be the best of any Android phone available.

Another point, have you used iOS 7 yet? I was sort of on the fence for a while, as I liked the idea of having the same phone as my fiancee to facilitate things like Facetime and sharing music, but after seeing iOS 7, I HATE the way it looks.
I liked the idea of having the same phone as my fiancee to facilitate things like Facetime and sharing music, but after seeing iOS 7, I HATE the way it looks.

Another huge reason for me getting an iPhone is my girlfriend is in med school 5 hours from me so I'd really like facetime to communicate with her. But to answer your question... no i don't like iOS 7, I think it looks childish.

Is there a good alternative to facetime with an iPhone user? My current phone doesn't have a front facing camera, so I've never tried an app that would allow this. I know there are a few apps out there, I just would want to make sure they are consistent (i.e. no lags, freezes, force closes... etc)
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There are apps for iPhone that will let the user video chat over Google, Vtok being one of them. There's always the option of both of you using Skype as well.
I just got the 5s and sold my iPhone 5 in 3 minutes on eBay for a higher price than a trade in. I am a Mac and iPad user and the iPhone integrates perfectly. Though pricier once you go Mac you will never go back. They ooze quality and trouble free operation.
I'm also thinking of the HTC one, and will be trading up from a Samsung Galaxy 2 (on Sprint). The only thing holding me back are the comments of dropped calls and poor signal strength from the aluminum body. I live in an area that's not great for Sprint in the first place, and these comments are scaring me off to maybe the Galaxy 4. But I love everything else about the HTC one.

Those of you that have had this phone for a while, what do you think?
My wife and I were due for an upgrade around the time the HTC One came out and I almost bought one, but decided to go with the Samsung GS4. I really liked the way the HTC looked and felt in my hand. If I hadn't been trading in a HTC Evo 4g, I probably would have went with the HTC One. I wanted to try something different and was drawn to the GS4's camera among other things. I absolutely was not going to get an Iphone. I am an Android fan all the way for a myriad of reasons.
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