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antique bowl question

I've seen some antique shaving and barber bowls lately, and noticed that a lot of them have a round cutout on one edge. I almost looks like it is there to put your neck in and get your face into the bowl easier, but I just don't quite get it. Anyone have an explanation of these things?


No tattoo mistakes!
I've seen some antique shaving and barber bowls lately, and noticed that a lot of them have a round cutout on one edge. I almost looks like it is there to put your neck in and get your face into the bowl easier, but I just don't quite get it. Anyone have an explanation of these things?

It's to put the shavee's neck in so as not to get soap where soap isn't supposed to go.

Might also serve to catch blood, I suppose.
Might also serve to catch blood, I suppose.

Yikes! I believe I'd just grow a beard if I needed a bowl to catch the blood. :blink:
But a also found another reference to using them for blood. I guess back in the day, the barbers were dentists, too.
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