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Anthony Logistics Ingrown Hair Treatment vs. Pfb Vanish

If used both; which is better?

  • Anthony Logistics Ingrown Hair Treatment

  • Pfb Vanish

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Hi guys,

I started wet shaving with a blade again! Can't tell you how happy i am, i can do this again!

I used Bump Patrol against ingrown hairs, but now my girlfriend has bought me Pfb Vanish. This product works better for me and i can shave comfortably WTG and 2 XTG passes. With my electric i can get a truely BBS with no irritation at all, but i like shaving with a blade better. ATG with a blade and pushing for BBS still gets me in trouble, even with PFB Vanish (maybe i'm using it too short of a time; 2 days). This got me wondering. I've also read good reviews about Anthony Logistics Ingrown Hair Treatment.

For the people who have used both: which do you think is better?
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