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and then one remained.... Aqua Velva Ice Blue. say what?

So, over the past two years I have tried just about every AS splash I could get my hands on..

Speick, Alt Innsbruck, Captains Choice, Myrsol varieties, Luck Tiger, La Toja and many more...

I would always walk through the local markets and drug stores here in the States and somewhat snobbishly turn my nose up to good old Aqua Velva Ice Blue. .... thinking if I ever use AV it will be the Italian version or the European version.... always just walking away.

Well, about a week ago I noticed that my Wal Mart was clearancing a 7 oz bottle for $3 and decides what the heck.

Im a 35 year old guy who does not want to smell like a 75 year old or be "that guy" on the elevator at work....... so I shaved and splashed some one, followed with Weleda AS balm and I LOVED the way my face felt and smelled! My wife was like "where is that one from and how much...... :)" I said Wal Mart and $3 dollars. I thought she was gonna fall over dead.

So thats my AV story.....its really all I need..

But pairing with Weleda AS Balm after is a pretty great combo and fragrance.

(For those who have tried Italian/ Euro versions, is there any difference in scent, skincare.....my interest in AV has peaked)

Good day,

Aqua Velva is my Co-Favorite along with Murray & Lanman Florida Water.
Both Cheap and Great.
AV Ice Blue and Pinaud Clubman are my alternating favorites. The SWMBO isn't a fan but I am alright with that.
Aqua Velva is the only reliably available AS around here and I've honestly never tried it. I'll give it a try on your recommendation.
Aqua Velva leaves a good face feel -- surprised at how good it is, and is my current favorite among the "drug store" brand after shaves. Permanent rotation for me, and outside of just alum or just generic witch hazel (or the two of them) the budget winner, too.
Aqua velva is my favorite as well. It's really great mixed with Florida water (I know, doesn't sound good--just try it)
AV is tied with Skin Bracer as my ALL-TIME favorite aftershave. If all others were banned, I wouldn't even blink at having to use AV for the rest of my days. It's a fantastic feel and I love the scent.
Good call - I use Williams Expert, Ice Blue and Musk Aqua Velvas, and I like all of them !!
I buy the Williams Expert Aqua Velva locally, it only costs €3,95 in Spain for a 200ml bottle from either Eroski, Mercadona or Carrefour Supermarkets.
Williams Expert a more subtle scent with less cooling effect, but it clears up redness, burning or itchiness just as quickly. It's one of my go to aftershaves.

If I'm going for a night out on the town, I like to splash on the Williams Expert straight after shaving, then use Ice Blue as a cologne a few minutes before setting off.

Aqua Velva Musk is a good aftershave/cologne in it's own right, although the orangey smell that's left in the bathroom afterwards reminds me of a cleaning chemical called "Don Limpio Multiusos" that is popular in Spain !! lol
AV is still one of my all-time favorites. Too many memories of both of my grandfathers smelling like it when I was a kid for it to be any other way. As an aftershave fanatic, I'll never be able to stick with just one, but I still know exactly what you mean. While I use many aftershaves, I use just one shaving cream. I like it enough I just don't see the need to switch it up (at least for the last 6 months and the foreseeable future, anyway), so I'm on board with your thought process.

Someone else may have to chime in on the variants of AV. I have a current bottle, and two nearly-full vintage bottles, and there are differences among all three. Therefore, I'm not sure which one (if any) smells like AV "should" smell. Of the two older bottles, one smells like a slightly subtler version of the current formula. The other smells lighter, but much sharper - more alcohol on the scent. Love to try a European bottle, but haven't.
This is one i keep avoiding. The smell from the bottle probably doesn't do it justice, but it's too alcoholy of a smell to me.
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