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Alpha Hydroxy Acid Face Lotions. Do AHA's Only Dissolve Dead Skin Cells?

Just curious if someone more knowledgable could enlighten me on this. I've started using Baxter of California Night Cream with AHA and I've read that the AHA's exfoliate your skin by dissolving dead skin cells..... but my question is.... do they only dissolve dead skin cells? or do they also dissolve live skin cells as well? In other words, can you use them too much and damage your skin?

AHAs are pretty gentle. You should be able to use it without any problems. AHA are usually for dry skin, while Beta Hydroxy Acid (a real fancy pants term for salicylic acid) is usually better for people with oily skin. Neither one works the way you think of "acid" in, like, a comic book sense. You aren't going to turn into Jack Nicholson's Joker. If it's too harsh for every day use, you can always use it every other day. Generally, AHA is pretty gentle.



Good article.
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I started using Alpha Hydrox 12% Glycolic AHA about half a year ago and I'm impressed about how my skin has improved. I used to have an oily skin full of blemishes, but my face is clear now, no scars.

I use the cream everyday after washing my face, and only apply a tiny bit. When I feel it burns I stop using it for a day or two. It usually happens when I got a sun burn.
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