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Adding Weight To The Muhle R89

Greetings Friends,

I purchased a Muhle R89 last year and really like it. The fit and finish are beautiful and it is a great shaver. I did however always think it was a little light for my tastes. I just tried something and it seemed to work really well.

I drilled out the threaded end of the handle to allow access to the hollow inside. I then filled it with #9 lead shot. Wow, what a difference. Gives it a nice heavy solid feel.

I can't wait to try it out tomorrow morning.

No pictures to post because the mod is not all that exciting visually but if anyone has any questions let me know.

Hi Eric,

If this is the 2009 model yes its very light. I am curious to see the results of your handle upgrade and how did it shave?
Tried it this morning and I thought it shaved great. Something about the extra weight seems to give it more inertia when plowing through the whiskers if that makes sense. I like the weight of my Futur but am not crazy about the head design. This modification is working great for me. :thumbup:
My Muhle R-89 has become my near daily shaver. I love it.

I am ok with it's weight, but do notice that it feels super light after shaving with my Bull Mastiff XL.
Its probably just me, but I find a heavier DE causes more irritation.

My 1904, or my HD give a great shave, but when I had my 38c barberpole, I found the shaves to be worse, more irritating and more nicks and weepers.

I'm sure its just me and here's a perfect case of YMMV. I like a lighter DE, and I've found my go to's. :thumbup1: :w00t: :biggrin1:

P.S. Glad to hear this worked for you, congrats.
I drilled out the threaded end of the handle to allow access to the hollow inside. I then filled it with #9 lead shot.


You utter barbarian; I bet your fat handled Techs are ruined the same way!! :angry:

Ah,well as long as it makes you happy I guess. :biggrin:

It would ruin the razor for me though, not for the extra weight but for the shift of balance. In that respect the Mühle is perfect as it is for me.
I'm going to try it for the rest of this week and all of next week.

I'll dump the shot out and try it without to see the difference.

That's the cool thing about this mod, it's totally reversible and doesn't change the appearance of the razor.
The razor in the pix is a 61' Gillette Tech which I added a Merkur 1904 handle. The weight increased by 28 grams. The shave is much better then with the original light aluminum handle. And the head and handle match perfectly.
I've cut strips of solder and stuck them down the handle of a NEW bar handle.
Now with my BM handles I can switch between the nickel knob and an aluminum knob to adjust the weight and balance.
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