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Adding heft to handles.

I've just received some American NEW OC's (long & short) through the post. I already know I'm going to like them, but the handles are a bit light weight. Besides ordering a handle from Cooncat has anybody devised a non destructive way of adding heft, like injecting a runny resin? Any thought's gratefully received.
I've just received some American NEW OC's (long & short) through the post. I already know I'm going to like them, but the handles are a bit light weight. Besides ordering a handle from Cooncat has anybody devised a non destructive way of adding heft, like injecting a runny resin? Any thought's gratefully received.

I read a post in the past, where someone put pieces of solder into the handle to increase the weight. :tongue_sm
i've thought about adding solder as well, i just haven't gotten around to it. i wanted to add some heft to my merkur 23c, which has a hollow handle. melting some solder into the cavity should do the trick nicely.
Okay...what about snipping some pieces of solder into the handle itself and then applying some heat?
I cut some strips of wire solder and stuffed in a Gillette Old handle and epoxied in. Works great. Also expoxied the ends as they had cracked and the head would spin when changing blades.
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