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A too-cool discovery: my "birthday razor"

My DE razor collection right now consists of two: an EJ DE89LBL that I got off Amazon, and an old Gillette Super Speed that I got for really cheap off eBay.

I did my very best to clean up the old Gillette after it arrived, and although I didn't get it looking like new, it's in decent shape. My curiosity moved me to try to figure out how old it was.

A little looking on the great Gillette Date Information page on the Wiki led me a a very cool discovery: it's from the year of my birth, 1953. In fact, I can tell from the date code that it was made anywhere from three to six months before I was born.

I had no idea that little $6.00 grab from eBay would turn out to have historical significance for me, but there you go. I think I'm gonna have to shave with that sucker tomorrow.

That is a great razor.....enjoy.

Y-1 is my birth razor and I found mine in a second hand store after being told
by the manager that "They had not had one of those old razors in years."
Yep. The only cooler thing might've been if it had been a Y3. Then it might very well have been made in my birth month. But the same year (Y2) is just fine with me.
Cool score Dave! I found a Fatboy today that was made in my birth year (1960). It was born a couple of quarters before I was though...still cool
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