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A Special Thanks

To all you Great Outdoors viewers who may be new to our area, please feel free to post your adventures, your journeys, and your outdoors hopes.

My hope is that the current round of Bingo has brought your here, and if not a wilderness explorer already, a desire will grow within you. A desire to jump of your perch, and get into the wild. A desire to fill your canteen, grab your rod and reel, and set off for hiking.

Perhaps, like me, you last went fishing years ago. Well, today is the day you try again.

Whether you go looking for trout or bass, whether you make your way to Yellowstone or Jellystone, whether you venture out on a kayak or a roadbike, just get out there and enjoy the world. So far, it's the only one we've got. And you can even bring along Man's best friend for a romp in the woods!

Make sure you hydrate, and watch out for coyotes and the occasional rattlesnake. OUCH!

But let's get out there with all our tactical gear. Bring a mess kit, a flashlight, and a GPS, maybe an axe... but definitely bring the Benadryl! If you light a fire, make sure your coals are out before you leave.

There is one thing you should know though. If you're spending your first time in the Great Outdoors because of Bingo, you have one man to thank. Our friend Dane, the one from Montana (some great wilderness up there!), started this whole Bingo thing. So take the time out to tell him how the forest beckons. Tell him how you went out to the lake, and enjoyed it a little extra. Tell him about the time you saw that mountain lion.

If you love the outdoors and Bingo, then reply to this thread in a way that is sure to make Dane's head grow even larger. Post "Fordfather is My Hero" below, and let him know how much we all appreciate him.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Great post!

Dane is from Montana? Big sky country!

I think I'll start calling him Big Sky

Fordfather is My Hero!!!
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Living in Maine we are surrounded by wilderness. I think because of this I take it for granted.

I don't really hang out in this part of B&B but since BINGO I have enjoyed reading the great threads. I will have to pop in in more often even after BINGO is done.

Am I enjoying BINGO? Well let's just say I'm playing under threat of bodily harm. Dane is responsible for the misery all us losers are experiencing.

Forefather is my hero.
Well, for the most part, the Great Outdoors in Louisiana just want to eat you. From the Alligators, to the water moccasins, to the mosquitoes. We do have a bike trail near me so I guess I need to grease up the old chain on the Trek and get my *** out there. After all, I am gaining weight faster than a sumo wrestler at a Ryan's Buffet. I used to enjoy hiking and camping as well as hunting and fishing. I guess I need to get back to my roots. I guess what I really want to say is the...

Fordfather is My Hero!
To all you Great Outdoors viewers who may be new to our area, please feel free to post your adventures, your journeys, and your outdoors hopes.

My hope is that the current round of Bingo has brought your here, and if not a wilderness explorer already, a desire will grow within you. A desire to jump of your perch, and get into the wild. A desire to fill your canteen, grab your rod and reel, and set off for hiking.

Perhaps, like me, you last went fishing years ago. Well, today is the day you try again.

Whether you go looking for trout or bass, whether you make your way to Yellowstone or Jellystone, whether you venture out on a kayak or a roadbike, just get out there and enjoy the world. So far, it's the only one we've got. And you can even bring along Man's best friend for a romp in the woods!

Make sure you hydrate, and watch out for coyotes and the occasional rattlesnake. OUCH!

But let's get out there with all our tactical gear. Bring a mess kit, a flashlight, and a GPS, maybe an axe... but definitely bring the Benadryl! If you light a fire, make sure your coals are out before you leave.

There is one thing you should know though. If you're spending your first time in the Great Outdoors because of Bingo, you have one man to thank. Our friend Dane, the one from Montana (some great wilderness up there!), started this whole Bingo thing. So take the time out to tell him how the forest beckons. Tell him how you went out to the lake, and enjoyed it a little extra. Tell him about the time you saw that mountain lion.

If you love the outdoors and Bingo, then reply to this thread in a way that is sure to make Dane's head grow even larger. Post "Fordfather is My Hero" below, and let him know how much we all appreciate him.
I am glad i made it here. Not sure when i would have gotten around to it if it wasn't for bingo. I love watching animals in the wild.Going camping next month in kentucky during the bourbon festival.
Thank you fordfather.
Fordfather is My Hero
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"Sang to the music of Hotel California"

I met Dane (Fordfather) on a dark desert highway,
with the cool wind in my hair,

he smelled of margaritas, rising up through the air.
Up ahead in the distance. I saw a dusty blight.
My thoughts grew heavy, I needed an Amstel Light.

There he stood on the roadway,
I saw the leather he was trying to sell
and I was thinking to myself
Could this be B & B or could this be this Hell

He lathered up a bowl of shave cream
and showed me the way
and I could hear the voice in my head say

Welcome to you nightmare.

Fordfather is my Hero!

As a Native Arizonan, everything here sticks, stings, or bites. As such as a kid I spent the vast majority of my time in the great outdoors and in the mountains. Wildlife is abundant here with common sightings of Coyote, bobcat, javelina, and other critters. Rattlesnakes, king snakes and others are common sights on our porch. Climbing was once of my true loves, having tackled the 14'ers in Colorado, as well as all the major peaks in AZ.

I had aspirations to even climb Everest at one time, and managed to climb Ranier and was planning on Aconagua, Denali, Cho Oyo, and finally the grail. But a firefighting accident not only ended my career, but my aspirations. Now some 20 yrs later I have not spent as much time in the great outdoors as I would like.

My last great outdoor adventure was Motorcycle camping trip with my wife and friends that spanned 6 days and included, Zion National Park, The wilds of Utah, Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone, Cody, WY and on into Billings, MT. Dane's town. So maybe meeting Daneka was fate.

This bingo has brought me back to the Great Outdoors, a forum I seldom visited, but I realized that all the gear listed I still have and use. So you may be able to take the Great Outdoors and put in on hold, but if it is in your heart it always will be.

As to Dane, great guy, very helpful, and a master leather artisan to him THANKS for all he does.....

Actually....... Dane's a hack!!.. BTW when did he pass???.....:w00t::lol::lol::lol: ...Just Kidding DANEKA

Actually, Love Ya Brother and thanks to Him and Jessy for this version of B & B Bingo. When are you two Getting Married????:blink::w00t:
Somehow while singing the lyrics something happened it was no longer Hotel California but the Thunder Rolls. Coincidence? I don't think so. I'm not sure what that means though.:001_huh:
Somehow while singing the lyrics something happened it was no longer Hotel California but the Thunder Rolls. Coincidence? I don't think so. I'm not sure what that means though.:001_huh:

It means Dane had beans tonight. Probably in chili. Don't tell DoctorShaveGood.
I love the great outdoors! Growing up in Michigan I loved spending time on the lake: fishing, swimming, snorkeling, boating, tubing, skiing. And then again skiing and tubing in the winter. I discovered a love of camping and backpacking as I spent a week with my then girlfriend, backpacking along the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore on Lake Superior.

When I moved to Arizona for college, I discovered the high desert, dry heat, and the mountains. I was in love. Hiking, bouldering, rock climbing, rappelling, and of course, a lot more backpacking and camping.

Family life took over, and I found little time for many outdoor pursuits for the last decade or so. B&B Bingo has made me rediscover and appreciate the Great Outdoors forum, which has made my body itch to get back outside and do some more activities again.

A super big thanks to Dane for making all this happen. You're a god among men, "The King" of kings, a real American hero, a gentleman and a true friend.

"FordFather is My Hero"
I love the great outdoors!

KJ, and everyone thanks for sharing your experiences.

Dane sure is a great guy, and now that so many of your hopes are up, and most of you have already marked off what you thought the next word would be, I leave you with this.

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KJ, and everyone thanks for sharing your experiences.

Dane sure is a great guy, and now that so many of your hopes are up, and most of you have already marked off what you thought the next word would be, I leave you with this.

View attachment 592566

I'm still curious if this counts, as it was not posted during the days and hours specified in the game rules.....we must have order.
Fordfather is My Hero! Who else can work leather like a true craftsman while putting down PBJ & Banana sandwiches!
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