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A slab of marble!

Anyone thought about using a slab of marble as a 'carrying piece' of sorts for your razor/brush/etc? Rather than make multiple 'trips' to get the razor, the brush, the blade, the shave soap, etc. I just bring it all out at once. Doesn't necessarily have to be marble, stainless steel works too (as people have written below) but I just think it would be a nice accessory piece. My countertop ISN'T always clean (I'm not a married/old guy like a lot of people here who lives with their significant other) and my dog sometimes gets his paws up on the countertop and whatnot..so the cleanliness aspect is a bonus..

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No offense meant but, if you can keep a piece of marble clean, couldn't you just clean off a piece of countertop before you shave?
It also looks nice..no offense but how many razors does a person actually need? This is actually an interesting accessory..keep the slab in the cupboard with all your stuff on it, bring out in one movement.
+1. If you are really that concerned about your countertop, just keep a bottle of 70% isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol handy and spill a little bit on the counter before your shave, wipe it all around with a tissue, and let it air dry. Should only take a minute.

BUT, here is a solution for you that doesn't even require alcohol or a special marble slab.

Stand your razor up on its end! The blade will never touch anything but your face :thumbup:

Hope this helps.

- Badger Bill
I'm still not following you. Are you saying that you would do this because it looks good or because the counter is dirty? Or both?

Ultimately whatever makes you happy is what you should do. It's a YMMV thing.
It looks good and it's its own thing to manage. I don't know, just feel like it could complete the set..doesn't even have to be marble, could be like a stainless steel tray..with ALL the accessories that people have I'm surprised something like this isn't commonplace..
I say whatever makes you feel comfortable/happy while shaving, but I wouldn't have the space for it. I keep the few razors I have on a stand and most of the soaps under the sink. My blades are stored in a drawer. I just lay out a hand towel on the counter while shaving so I don't have to clean up any excess water after.

If it looks nice and you have the space for it, I say go for it. If you are just worried about the space being clean, try some of the Lysol wipes.
I like this idea personally. Hospital grade sanitation. Just wheel it in when you plan to shave. Keep a little blue paper over the top to keep your tools clean between shaves. Or buy a can of Lysol wipes and clean the counter before each shave. It also keeps the Mrs. happy. :wink2: $P65.jpg
Yea my issue personally is also that I have so many items to choose from that I couldn't possibly fit them on a slab of marble, and even if I selected just one cream/soap, razor, brush, scuttle/bowl, AS/ASB, blade pack and balanced all of that on the marble slab, it suddenly seems a lot less desirable to be lifting all that back and forth without dropping everything. That being said, this is just my feeling...... if it seems like it would work for you, give it a go and let us know how you like it. I'd love to see a picture of this setup if you get it together.

Whatever works for you!!! :thumbup:

- Badger Bill
I feel like I could go to Home Depot and get one of the 'sample' slabs haha, and I like that weiz but seems cumbersome lol, give me just the tray and I'm cool with that! also helps my girlfriend doesn't live with me so there are toiletries everywhere
Yea my issue personally is also that I have so many items to choose from that I couldn't possibly fit them on a tray, and even if I selected just one cream/soap, razor, brush, scuttle/bowl, AS/ASB, blade pack and balanced all of that on a tray, it suddenly seems a lot less desirable to be lifting all that back and forth without dropping everything. That being said, this is just my feeling...... if it seems like it would work for you, give it a go and let us know how you like it. I'd love to see a picture of this setup if you get it together.

Whatever works for you!!! :thumbup:

- Badger Bill

Indeed, I would make sure that whatever I was using had some kind of lip to keep things from sliding off. A little bit of a tip on clean marble and there goes a scuttle and a razor and maybe crack the brush, hopefully nothing lands in the toilet. Also lifting a slab of marble covered in razors around my bathroom after a shower (wet feet/floor, bad back, etc.) sounds like the last thing I feel like doing in the morning.YMMV.


Needs milk and a bidet!
It could probably work sure. But personally I set my razors on the counter during the shave.

Let me think now for a second that said action bothers me.....

I'd grab a clean washcloth or hand towel to set my razor on. Or I'd keep Lysol wipes handy and wipe the counter off before my shave.

before I had my own bathroom and had to carry my things downstairs to shave I used to haul them in this antique thingy. I'd just load it up with my stuff for the shave and off I went. Maybe something like this would be useful for you?

Now that this has been brought up let me segue into brushes. Yes the toothbrush that we clean with in near boiling water withscrubbing bubbles, then rinsed again in hot water then doused in alcohol all to clean a razor before use. Where I was going with this hygienically clean conversation I have no idea. But boy, do we have some CLEAN-STERIL toothbrushes here at B&B!:tongue_sm
I like this idea personally. Hospital grade sanitation. Just wheel it in when you plan to shave. Keep a little blue paper over the top to keep your tools clean between shaves. Or buy a can of Lysol wipes and clean the counter before each shave. It also keeps the Mrs. happy. :wink2:View attachment 385616

All that's missing is an autoclave for the utensils. 121.1 deg C, some saturated steam, and not much survives.
I think this is a very interesting idea, but suggest a more "leave in place" concept vice something to carry around. Unless you're going to mill the marble to create a lip, I would think falling razors, blades and soaps would be a concern. Having your razors resting on a nice piece of marble instead of a towel would be more visually appealing for some.

Fortunately, this is not a problem I have to deal with, as my girlfriend is German. Trust me; I have no issues with surfaces being clean in my apartment. I could literally shave off the floor! On the other hand, given her Teutonic frugalness there is the stress of having to think up ever more imaginative excuses for why I need another razor.

All the best!

A member posted a thread some time ago about his "shave den" being a metal (it was stainless steel or silver) valet tray (or some sort of serving or presentation tray). I can't find the thread at this moment. I think what you are looking for is along the same principle. I don't follow the sanitation argument, but I think for preesentation it works well. Think of hotel rooms that keep metal valet trays in bathrooms sometimes. I have used those to set out my shave gear while on the road.

I think metal is a little more practical, mobile and durable than marble.
$truefiit hill razor brush black june 30 1s.jpg

just for photo setup, i'll use this 2x2ft marble slab. with teflon sliders on bottom and corners just for protection.
but at over 20lb, it's a brute to carry from the garage to the studio counter.

if you like marble, consider just re-doing your bathroom, with new vanity, maybe granite, fixtures, etc. will be great project to involve swmbo and deflect any uneasiness over your shave ad.
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