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A message to the new guys: If your AS burns like heck you're doing it wrong

I get very very little burn if I have good technique and prep.
In fact I'm pretty much back to alcohol based aftershaves because I like them. I put a face lotion with SPF on every day before I go out so a balm is just too much. And even though it's dry here (AZ) balms still feel a bit heavy to me since it's so damn hot.
Nothing like the feeling of your face on fire after a great shave.
I keep a bottle of Pinnaud Clubman and use it once in a while. Got a really nice BBS shave yesterday and put some of that one. Usually use the Trumper Skin food, but sometimes i like the burn. Only last for a good minute or so. Will surely wake you up!!!!

Strangely though i did not get itching or razorburn after the shave. Just a small nick during my trip down fools path. Didn't see any irritation. Still my face felt like it was on fire for a bit. I use a lot of it. Lol
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