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A Duke 3 vs. Commodore 3 head-to-head comparison!

Great review, DE! I can't wait to get the D3 and do my own comparison. I used my D2 this morning to face lather. It does a good job but my X3 does a great job.

Also, I just purchased a Pre-Vulfix X3 and it will be interesting to compare that too! Perhaps you'll be wanting to do a comparison too? :)
I was debating whether or not to get the Commodore, ended up with a Colonel instead. My next brush will likely be a Duke 3, if I can get a short-lofted, non-bulbed version, followed by a Savile Row 3122 and Emperor 3. Those should cover all my brush needs.
Great reveiw. I had an old Duke 3 and it lasted a long time. Last year I decided to purchase another duke 3 in BEST and when it arrived I was slightly dissappointed. It looked nothing like the old Duke but I am pride to say that currently I find it a truly great brush and perhaps better than my previous DUKE
I had an old Duke 3 and it lasted a long time. Last year I decided to purchase another Duke 3 in BEST and when it arrived I was slightly disappointed. It looked nothing like the old Duke but I am proud to say that currently I find it a truly great brush and perhaps better than my previous DUKE

With Andy's words in mind, let me share my experience with the Duke 3 since its return from Zumkopf.

Its a tank. This particular model's knot is a traditional bulb coming to a peak at the top of the loft. Not the typical shape of a Duke 3 which historically bloomed into a fan. It is a very dense knot with a snowy quality in its upper band. Where the Commodore was lithesome, the Duke is low to the ground, like a Bull Dog. Once its jaws lock onto the soap or cream, it begrudgingly releases its grip. Whereas the Commodore graciously shares its lather, with the Duke, its a high stakes negotiation. This Royal is a power mower, there is nothing subtle about it. It dispatches soaps and creams with equal aplomb. I took some photos of it today and compared it to some photos I took when it was brand new, out of the box. There is very little bloom, indeed, any change while noticeable, is slight. It is a brush that commands respect. I am quite impressed with it, maybe even a little intimidated because it is a fierce scrubber.

The loft for this Duke 3 towers at about 55mm at its peak. A totally aberrant statistic for this model. The density of the knot surpasses that of the Chubby 2 in Best (see final pic below with the Chubby on the left). Its squat fire plug handle is about 48mm and fits in the hand like a roll of half dollars. Very comfortable for my medium paws. During the course of this experiment, I have become a bit enchanted by The Duke, be he known as the Arch Duke or the Grand Duke, he has earned my utmost admiration and respect. Should any of you who are reading this thread decide to purchase either the Commodore or the Duke, I am confident that each will reward you with many years of fabulous shaves.

[A guide to the pics. The first pic is the Duke 3 brand new out of the box. The second was before today's shave (with about 20 shaves logged). The final pic compares the knot density of the Chubby 2 in Best and the Duke 3, with the Chubby on the left.]
Another excellent write-up, Joe, but you're a sinister enabler! :glare: Not only do I want to get another Duke 3, I also want that Commodore 3!!! :w00t:

Splendid reviews, gents. Splendid! :thumbup:
Bill, always good to hear from you. An enabler? Moi? :001_rolle

I don't want to embarrass you with details, but need I remind you about the World Wide S.S. Feather Tour (insured by Lloyds of London!):lol:
I am delighted to report that the Z's Commodore X3 has arrived in Brooklyn. It is a formidable object. As you can imagine, I have been waiting its arrival with great anticipation. I am looking at it now. It is a thing of beauty....

More details to follow tomorrow. For now, enjoy the pic of this truly beautiful brush.

DE, you're an artist with the camera. That's the best photo I've seen of a Commodore. I'm a little jealous now.... Hey, wait a minute! THAT'S MY BRUSH!!! :thumbup1:
With Andy's words in mind, let me share my experience with the Duke 3 since its return from Zumkopf.

Its a tank. This particular model's knot is a traditional bulb coming to a peak at the top of the loft. Not the typical shape of a Duke 3 which historically bloomed into a fan. It is a very dense knot with a snowy quality in its upper band. Where the Commodore was lithesome, the Duke is low to the ground, like a Bull Dog. Once its jaws lock onto the soap or cream, it begrudgingly releases its grip. Whereas the Commodore graciously shares its lather, with the Duke, its a high stakes negotiation. This Royal is a power mower, there is nothing subtle about it. It dispatches soaps and creams with equal aplomb. I took some photos of it today and compared it to some photos I took when it was brand new, out of the box. There is very little bloom, indeed, any change while noticeable, is slight. It is a brush that commands respect. I am quite impressed with it, maybe even a little intimidated because it is a fierce scrubber.

The loft for this Duke 3 towers at about 55mm at its peak. A totally aberrant statistic for this model. The density of the knot surpasses that of the Chubby 2 in Best (see final pic below with the Chubby on the left). Its squat fire plug handle is about 48mm and fits in the hand like a roll of half dollars. Very comfortable for my medium paws. During the course of this experiment, I have become a bit enchanted by The Duke, be he known as the Arch Duke or the Grand Duke, he has earned my utmost admiration and respect. Should any of you who are reading this thread decide to purchase either the Commodore or the Duke, I am confident that each will reward you with many years of fabulous shaves.

I agree completely with DE's eloquent remarks. Eloquent, as befits a gentleman. Distilled, you could say the Duke is a powerlifter, the Commodore a decathlete. And I feel validated to see that DE also finds the Duke to be slightly better suited for the face latherer, while both serve well for the bowl user.

One unexpected result of the reviews is the discovery of just how much variation there is even among modern standard Simpsons models. Neither DE's Duke nor my X3 have stats that match those published elsewhere, and the shapes vary too. I can't call it poor quality control, as neither brush is a shedder, and DE's Duke in particular is one of the highest quality brushes I've ever held; but it's as if the catalog is no more than a guideline for the brush stuffers toiling away on the Isle of Man.
but it's as if the catalog is no more than a guideline for the brush stuffers toiling away on the Isle of Man.

Z. I was thinking the about the brush stuffers as well. It seems that our brushes must have been worked on during a Druid feast. Lots of mead and wassail! "Hey Mikey, get a load of this 2 band tall loft knot. Let's have some fun and stuff it into a Duke 3. That'll show those Yanks!" "Billy, you think that's daft, how about this Commodore 3, let's throw in a knot from this box marked for the Royal Consort. Get on with it mate. This'll be a treat for some bloody Yank."
Great thread, guys. It's amazing to see the variability in Simpson knots. I recently succumbed to the siren song of the Duke 3. Knowing I wanted a more traditional fan shape, I asked the vendor to assist. He surveyed his entire stock, all of which had arrived in the same recent shipment. Most were like the one pictured on the left, 45-46 in loft, and quite bulby. However, he found two outliers, pictured center and right. I purchased the one in the center, at about a 49 mm loft.

It's a dense, gorgeous brush.

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Great thread, guys. It's amazing to see the variability in Simpson knots. I recently succumbed to the siren song of the Duke 3. Knowing I wanted a more traditional fan shape, I asked the vendor to assist. He surveyed his entire stock, all of which had arrived in the same recent shipment. Most were like the one pictured on the left, 45-46 in loft, and quite bulby. However, he found two outliers, pictured center and right. I purchased the one in the center, at about a 49 mm loft.

It's a dense, gorgeous brush.

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Zumkopf and Darjeeling Express--Nicely done.

This thread has been informative. Gagarin's post with pics above is very interesting; I would have never thought that there would be this much variation in a shipment to a single merchant.

I have the Commodore X1, and I have been pondering whether to purchase a Duke 1 for Christmas. I wonder if your findings for the size 3 brushes in these models are applicable for the size 1 brushes in the same model.
Gagarin, that is an incredible photo. The vendor let you line them up like that, light it, and shoot it? What an incredible fellow. WHO is your source, c'mon you can tell us. Just between the 10,000 of us.

That, is an enabling photograph. Duke 3 x's 3! Its in 3D (sorry). Seriously, I want the one on the far left.
I've gone back and forth over buying a Simpsons, but all this variation coming to light makes me want to reconsider. I'd lean towards a Commodore now, when before I wanted a Duke. I would DEFINITELY want to work with a vendor before purchasing one.
DE, you're an artist with the camera. That's the best photo I've seen of a Commodore. I'm a little jealous now.... Hey, wait a minute! THAT'S MY BRUSH!!! :thumbup1:

Thanks for an outstanding POST and I love the responses. I bought a DUKE 3 from England some time ago but have never taken it out of the original box. Now I am going to check the specs and compare to some of my others. And, take some pictures since it has not been used. :thumbup:
The allure of the Duke certainly keeps it in contention. but it's gonna take some work to get the "right" one, apparently. I've hesitated in the past because of concerns over excessive loft and lack of spine, like my first Simfix D3. Now there seems to be a choice between bulby and fan. If Vulfix cooperates, and the dealer is willing to help out, then it can be done. But reading these reports, it's almost to the point, for me, of just chucking it and getting a three-band Colonel or another Savile Row -- the latter with which I've never had a single problem.
I've gone back and forth over buying a Simpsons, but all this variation coming to light makes me want to reconsider. I'd lean towards a Commodore now, when before I wanted a Duke. I would DEFINITELY want to work with a vendor before purchasing one.

For me, all the variables when purhasing a Simpson brush contribute to the Simpson mystique, and makes each brush have its one-of-a-kind individuality.
For me, all the variables when purhasing a Simpson brush contribute to the Simpson mystique, and makes each brush have its one-of-a-kind individuality.
My theory is they have different members of staff working to different specs. Love the look of the middle DUKE in the pic above; if only they could make them all like that:mad3:
And I'd opt for the loft on the left with the fan in the middle, along with the nicely centered label. :001_smile
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