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A couple of GEM 1912's

Picked up a couple of GEM 1912's yesterday

This one is a Made in England model with an Aluminum handle


Also scored this Damaskeen with an odd short hollow handle



I noticed that the inside of the handle can be removed...


...And screwed into the outer half to make a blade stropper


I think this is a frankenrazor and that the handle belongs to a lather catcher, saw a picture of an Ever Ready LC with a similar handle

Really like the handle design and think it looks good on the Damaskeen head...unique for sure :biggrin1:



Compared to a standard 1912

those look great!
i just got my first SE razor today in the mail and just shaved with it....seemed quite nice. it will give my Edwin Jagger DE89 a run for the money.

any blades you prefer to use?
A couple of nice snags! I have that same handle with the stropper that came on a 1914 Ever-Ready frame. It's kind of cool but modern blades are too small to stay in mine, they just slide out.
You nare correct about the handle for the Damaskeene, but as long as it fits well it should work just fine! Nice looking razors!
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