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A Cased Darwin This Time

Hi Guys this one just finished and went for 410GBP ($637.92) wow. I thought it would be y***y again, as he was bidding, but someone new got it. .***. whoever that might be. Beautiful razor, I came in 2nd again but something will show up eventually. Pic is from the seller


  • $razordarwin.jpg
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An early version (prototype)? Have not seen that type of case before. Different pat. no - earlier?
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No, it is a later version. Darwin started as Darwin Limited and was later acquired by Fitzwilliam Works.

Sorry correct you but.........

Hello, thank you for your enquiry. the firm of Darwins Ltd was Founded by Paul Kuehnrich (1871-1932) as a public company in 1926. The main firm was Darwin & Milner, a tool steelmaker, located at Rockingham St, 1900-25. Then in 1924 it moved into the Fitzwilliam Works, Tinsley, the old Sheffield Simplex car works.

Fitzwilliam Works was the building not the firm.
Ok That makes sense of 'made at Fitzwilliam Works' so in theory could be an early prototype? Not easy to find much information on the Darwin Razors!!


Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.
Sorry correct you but.........

Hello, thank you for your enquiry. the firm of Darwins Ltd was Founded by Paul Kuehnrich (1871-1932) as a public company in 1926. The main firm was Darwin & Milner, a tool steelmaker, located at Rockingham St, 1900-25. Then in 1924 it moved into the Fitzwilliam Works, Tinsley, the old Sheffield Simplex car works.

Fitzwilliam Works was the building not the firm.

:lol: I was just trying to delete my post as I realized it was not correct when I saw your post.
I have never seen a Darwin like that. It doesn't have the stylized Darwin Logo and look at the screw tip of the handle. It ends in almost a ball tip. Mine is just rounded (but mine is a Darwin Deluxe too). It leaves a gap at the top of it between the top plate and the handle screw. And the case....is that really a darwin case? I can't find the link on E-bay.


Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.
Ok That makes sense of 'made at Fitzwilliam Works' so in theory could be an early prototype? Not easy to find much information on the Darwin Razors!!

I think we can get a feel for the timing by looking at the Darwin razor blades and blade Ads.

Ebay Darwin Blade Ad from 1929
$Darwin Blade Ad 1929.jpg

Notice the wording on the blade.

This is a blade that was with my cased Darwin Deluxe. Notice the wording and the date?? on the blade.

View attachment 253073

View attachment 253074
It is unusual and the writs on the cap reminds me that Darwin auction in last August. However quality of this one is not good. Poor finish on its neck and shallow engraves on the handle etc. But those hexagonal end tip and sphere on the screw are nice touch ups. I think the case is a 3rd party production like many razors.
I think Kevin also showed a Darwin blade that just had a straight slot and no holes. If this Darwin was an early version it would explain the rough finshing on the head and no 'Darwin' logo? The Pat No's are definately different. Also the retaining pins for the razor blade are flush so seems a completley different version to the standard and deluxe.
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Ok That makes sense of 'made at Fitzwilliam Works' so in theory could be an early prototype? Not easy to find much information on the Darwin Razors!!
very good insight and info, i will bookmark it.

:lol: I was just trying to delete my post as I realized it was not correct when I saw your post.
Connie, we all know your the 1st lady of Darwins, you have excellent collection.


Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.
I think Kevin also showed a Darwin blade that just had a straight slot and no holes. If this Darwin was an early version it would explain the rough finshing on the head and no 'Darwin' logo? The Pat No's are definately different. Also the retaining pins for the razor blade are flush so seems a completley different version to the standard and deluxe.

Now that you mention it that "Reg. No. R.D.710725" is what is on my two Darwin Deluxes. My Darwin Standard has "British Patent No. 243881". IIRC, they are just different ways of saying the same thing.

$Darwin Standard Head.jpg


Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.

Could a Mod please move this thread back to the DE Razor forum???? It really is mainly a discussion of the Darwin DE.
Connie you seem to be the expert on Darwins. Have you seen one like this before? I have a standard which I love but following different threads there seem to be a few versions. Some have rounded end handles and others faceted. This one seems to have a faceted handle.
U know, someone on another thread spoke about the faceted handle end. It seems that a lot of Darwin's have little differences between them. My Deluxe has a faceted handle but I thought that most of them did. The variety among the small number made fascinates me.
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