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A blade is missing in two packs of Derby razor blades I received from eBay.

I bought a number of Derby extra blades on eBay. After a few days I accidentally found out that two of the packs of five Derby blades have only four blades instead of five. I wrote the seller and immediately received refund for these two blades.
Personally I think that it is just manufacturing defect. All the pack of blades were sealed in plastic film. It would be interesting to know if somebody have experienced the same problem with Derby or any other brand.
He send me 0.40, actually. The fee is 1.5%. To be true, I am not sure if there is any fee for my card (virtual visa) for the moment. Anyway I received a sum I expected to receive in rubles.

Please, stick to the topic. I was interesting if somebody have ever had similar experience: missing blades or something like this. Thank you
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You scrooge! It's just a few cents!
:laugh: Don't take it personal I'm just kidding.
It never happened to me. If i did notice 2 blades missing from a 100 factory wrapped pack I would assume a machine malfunction. Probably would wait a few months before buying another to be sure that the lot was cleared from stock. I wouldn't care just for 2 blades.
He send me 0.40, actually. The fee is 1.5%. To be true, I am not sure if there is any fee for my card (virtual visa) for the moment. Anyway I received a sum I expected to receive in rubles.

Well.... Ordinarily I'd say it was a bit silly to bother the seller about it, but if he actually refunded that amount, he sounds like a wonderful seller to deal with in confidence and an honest person.
I use gray color for my reply about the money hoping that it would be clear that the money is off-topic here. I was saying not about money but only about if somebody had experienced something similar. The only adequate reply was about a merkur blade in a pack of cromas. Please stick to the topic. Thank you.

P.S And by the way, I didn't ask the seller for refund, but just wrote him about missing blades. Why not? I have never saw a package with a missing blade. It is not a good sign for Derby brand.
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can't say I've noticed missing blades from a pack of Derby's - I love them and this would upset me greatly with 20% of the pack missing!
I use gray color for my reply about the money hoping that it would be clear that the money is off-topic here. I was saying not about money but only about if somebody had experienced something similar. The only adequate reply was about a merkur blade in a pack of cromas. Please stick to the topic. Thank you.

P.S And by the way, I didn't ask the seller for refund, but just wrote him about missing blades. Why not? I have never saw a package with a missing blade. It is not a good sign for Derby brand.

Y' know, I gotta agree with barazor, y'all are being a bit harsh here and kinda missing the point. The fact is, the missing blade thing is quite bizarre, especially since it happened twice. This is not about $.40, fer god's sake.

I have never seen this problem with Derby's, but I have noticed that Derby's are not as consistent as I would like. My last one was good for 1.5 shaves. I've heard that Astra SP blades are more consistent.

Я люблю Москву!
I've never had a missing blade, but have twice noticed an extra blade in Lord Platinums. (Same shipment / sealed larger pack / trusted vendor)
I've never had a missing blade, but have twice noticed an extra blade in Lord Platinums. (Same shipment / sealed larger pack / trusted vendor)

What a generous machinery there are in Egypt :biggrin1:. Thank you for an interesting example.
can't say I've ever had this problem, but then again I never bother to count blades. But if they are ripping us off, say .30c lets say every 50 blades, multiplied by 2,345,681 users worldwide, then it's 30 Roubles to the dollar......oh fudge, someone pass me the calculator.
Everything is about attitude. I strive to do everything I can in my life to be honest towards other people, and when you get someone not bothering to keep it fair towards yourself, you do get annoyed, and take action against such ease of dealing with things. I don't say is intended, but not giving enough care to actually not get into such problems, is almost as bad as doing it intentionally.
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