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8/8 Wade & Butcher Restoration

This is a 8/8 Wade & Butcher Near Wedge Square Point The spine that measures 1/4 of an inch! It's Monster Chopper! The blade is a full restoration cleaned and polished to a bright mirror finish. This razor has been fitted with translucent honey toned ox horn scales hand polished to a glossy finish. The wedge is made up of bone also hand polished to a glossy finish. To complete the assembly, hand peaned brass pins with handmade domed washers secure the scales and blade into a finely crafted restoration.


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The shave is excellent. It took a very keen edge and with the weight of the blade it just plows through the whiskers! But she is off to a customer in England.
I saw that one listed on Ebay. Very nice. What is your particular progression to get that mirror finish? I know everybody does it slightly different, and I'm picking everybody's brains :)
I saw that one listed on Ebay. Very nice. What is your particular progression to get that mirror finish? I know everybody does it slightly different, and I'm picking everybody's brains :)

depending on how aggressive I need to get using greaseless compound, usually starting at 240,400,600. Then I will do some moderate hand sanding 3M wet/dry 400,600,1500. Then go to emory buffing compound (black) to stainless (green) then to a specialty compound called black magic the to jewelers rouge and clean it all up with some Maas.
Hope that helps
depending on how aggressive I need to get using greaseless compound, usually starting at 240,400,600. Then I will do some moderate hand sanding 3M wet/dry 400,600,1500. Then go to emory buffing compound (black) to stainless (green) then to a specialty compound called black magic the to jewelers rouge and clean it all up with some Maas.
Hope that helps

thank you. that sounds very similar to what I've been hearing. there's no escaping hand sanding!
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