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6 months - the pictures

It has been six months since I have been diagnosed with my acquisition disorders. I thought I would post some pictures just for the fun of it...



-razors currently in rotation and brushes are not included in photos.
That's all? :lol:

Nice stash. I wish I had two cabinets to contain everything. My supplies are under the sink, on a shelf and in the master closet.
impressive, we should have a collection of 6 month post for all newbies to see what they are getting into

Agreed. Post your 6 month pictures here if you have them! Ray, I wanna see your six month Gillettes-only picture again!
Im around 6 months in. My collection is nothing close to that mini-museum! I like the idea of a 6 month thread though, ill add mine tomorrow.
Far right, second shelf from the top. What's in those two dark blue containers?

One is C.O. Bigelow, one is JM Frasiers. I am not a huge fan of tubes, so I will probably do this with each of my tubes, and I don't have room for a giant JM tub, so I decant. :wink: The blue pump bottle on the shelf below it is SCS bay rum w/ a twist, since the original bottle is so tall. I got the tubs and bottle from sunburstbottle.com
Wow, I have to say I'm lucky we don't have this many shaving treasures. If we did we would have to renovate the house just to store it all!
Wow, I have to say I'm lucky we don't have this many shaving treasures. If we did we would have to renovate the house just to store it all!

yeah, I am having a harder and harder time finding stashes to show my wife and say "see, at least I am not this bad..." :lol:
My stash (if you could call it that) fits on one of your razor shelves.

What? No Old Spice? No Speick? :eek:

(Yes, I did see the Old Spice SC . . . what's it like?)

Nice collection! Something to aspire to . . .
240 personna, derby, and feather blades (and counting, i'm sure). more than enough for a years' worth of shaves...
240 personna, derby, and feather blades (and counting, i'm sure). more than enough for a years' worth of shaves...

(feathers are 10 packs... I have over 200 feathers. :redface:)

Yeah, no OS or spiek yet, I still have quite a wish list. :wink:


Wanting for wisdom
This is good. I'm saving the pic and story so I can prove to my wife how reasonable I am . . . . darn . . . where am I gonna hide the stuff:blushing:?
I see injector blades, but I don't see an injector razor. Planning ahead are you?

One in the red case in front of the vintage merkur case and one on the right on the bottom shelf with the shifter knob on it. :wink:

aquanin said:
Just wait til you get into straights!!!

Ohh you know it will happen...

yeah... I bought my first two, they are out for honing. That can be an expensive AD... :lol:
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