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1st straight passes logged

I decided today was going to be the day.
I got the Christmas DOVO Special and the Filly strop and gave the razor a few laps and set it aside.
After all the practice stropping I did on the Filly with the unhoned W&B this went better then expected.
I put a new Dorco 301 blade in the iKON for backup.
After a shower I got out the latte mug, OMEGA 10098,and the Cade soap and whipped up a lather.
After a good application of lather I picked up the DOVO.
I recited the mantra in my head "30° angle, no pressure, short even strokes".
The 1st tentative WTG strokes went so well I shave from sideburn to jaw line on the dominant side with no incident.
This area was the closest I have ever shaved in 1 wtg pass.
I decided to call this a success and finished my shave with the iKON.
The shave was complete with no blood or irritation.
Going to do this a few times and then switch hands.
After I get this down I will tackle the neck and chin and last figure out the XTG.
This has been a very positive 1st try!


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Very good Alan!

You have the right expectations of not having a BBS on try #1. You stopped where you think you should!

Excellent! Can't wait to read shave #2!
Isn't it something Alan? I mean the way things seem to come together. I've completed 2 str8 shaves, and I'll do the so called "magic #3" later today. On my first things went so well I did the whole shave. I ended up with a nice cut on my cheek and some hot burn on the neck. My 2nd went better, just a few nicks, and a couple of razor burns on the neck. I've taken 3 days off, and I'll do #3 today. Several members have said that the third is the one where things seem to come together. We'll see.

Nice going from another str8 newbie. :001_rolle
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