This forum is full with enablers (yeah you there!), if you want to save some money then don't visit this board anymore
. I'm a victim of this after reading the topic about the My-Blade razor blades. Curiosity got me and I decided to give them a chance you can order them via their official website: Razor Blades -
The claims on their website are pretty sketchy IMHO. If you want to read more about it check the first link in the previous paragraph. You can't buy samples when I mailed them about this issue they mailed me back with a link of a webshop which provides the samples. IMHO the platinum blades are on the pricey side €26.90 excl shipping (and import tax if you're from the US). I got myself 50 Platinum and 50 Silver blades and I received them today. This is how much I paid:
My-Blades Silver DE Rasierklingen (10 Silver Razor Blades) x5 = €6,10
My-Blades Platinum DE Rasierklingen (10 recycled Platinum Razor Blades) x5 = €13,20
Shipping fee = €10,45
Total: €29,75
My-blade Silver on the left, My-Blade Platinum on the right
I decided to shave with the platinum blade today since that supposed to be the better one according to their website. Here is the shaving setup I have used today:
Razor: Merkur Progress (used the 5th setting for all the passes; WTG, XTG and ATG)
Blade: My-Blades Platinum
Brush: Semogue 820
Shaving cream: TOBS Coconut
Bowl: a copper bowl I bought at a dollar store couple years ago
Aftershave: Clubman Pinaud Whiskey woods
Preshave: hot shower (I'm not going to post any photos of that
1st pass - WTG:
After the shower I loaded the razor and made the lather. I had no problems lathering the TOBS cream up because TOBS creams are very easy to lather. I set the Merkur Progress on the 5th setting and start shaving, I didn't know what to expect so here I went. It went very well no tugging, no nicks I was surprised. I decided to test it out on the lowest setting but TBH it's way too mild and changed the setting back to 5.
2nd pass - XTG:
It went meh, I could describe it as a little bit rough. I normally experience this when it's time to replace a blade. The stache area was a little bit troublesome, I felt like the blade wasn't sharp enough it was slightly pulling. The only time when I experienced this was when I used a Derby Extra blade when I shaved for the first couple times. Maybe if I used olive oil as a preshave oil it would be a different story but I decided to skip it for this review. To be honest; not a good sign but it still didn't mess up my face.
3rd pass - ATG:
It was okay, no issues on the cheeks, jawline or the neck areas. The stache area was a little bit troublesome but I went through it without facing any problems. I had a feeling that the blade was dulling out. Still no nicks or cuts. After I was done I rinsed my face with cold water and applied the AS and as always I got a full BBS.
My thoughts:
The blades are okayish but I would NOT buy them. They're sharp but not that sharp, an Astra SP performs much better than the My-Blades platinum. Would I use them on an average basis? Nope. I prefer to use a, Astra SP, Permasharp or a Feather razor. I really think that these blades are way overpriced lets see:
For that price you can buy 300 Astra SP's which are IMHO better blades.
For 22 euro you can buy 100 Permasharp razors which are even better than the Astra SP's.
For 30-30 euro you can buy 100 Feather razors which are IMHO one of the best blades ever made. I get 15+ shaves out of one blade.
I really doubt I could get more than 3 shaves out of the My-Blade Platinum despite the sugar coating attempts on their website. I expected that the blades would perform better but you can't have everything in life, I wonder how the Silver blade will perform my guess it will be worse than the Platinum blade but I could be completely wrong.
Should you buy them?
I would say no. They're already overpriced and if you order outside the EU you'll be hit with a high shipping fee + customs. Not worth it. I would say use that money on the popular razors like the Astra's, Feathers, Gillettes. I didn't fall for the environment story they promote on their website because in most cases it's just a quick cash grab. Does their server run on green energy? Are their computers and phones made of 100% recyclable materials?

The claims on their website are pretty sketchy IMHO. If you want to read more about it check the first link in the previous paragraph. You can't buy samples when I mailed them about this issue they mailed me back with a link of a webshop which provides the samples. IMHO the platinum blades are on the pricey side €26.90 excl shipping (and import tax if you're from the US). I got myself 50 Platinum and 50 Silver blades and I received them today. This is how much I paid:
My-Blades Silver DE Rasierklingen (10 Silver Razor Blades) x5 = €6,10
My-Blades Platinum DE Rasierklingen (10 recycled Platinum Razor Blades) x5 = €13,20
Shipping fee = €10,45
Total: €29,75
My-blade Silver on the left, My-Blade Platinum on the right
I decided to shave with the platinum blade today since that supposed to be the better one according to their website. Here is the shaving setup I have used today:
Razor: Merkur Progress (used the 5th setting for all the passes; WTG, XTG and ATG)
Blade: My-Blades Platinum
Brush: Semogue 820
Shaving cream: TOBS Coconut
Bowl: a copper bowl I bought at a dollar store couple years ago
Aftershave: Clubman Pinaud Whiskey woods
Preshave: hot shower (I'm not going to post any photos of that

1st pass - WTG:
After the shower I loaded the razor and made the lather. I had no problems lathering the TOBS cream up because TOBS creams are very easy to lather. I set the Merkur Progress on the 5th setting and start shaving, I didn't know what to expect so here I went. It went very well no tugging, no nicks I was surprised. I decided to test it out on the lowest setting but TBH it's way too mild and changed the setting back to 5.
2nd pass - XTG:
It went meh, I could describe it as a little bit rough. I normally experience this when it's time to replace a blade. The stache area was a little bit troublesome, I felt like the blade wasn't sharp enough it was slightly pulling. The only time when I experienced this was when I used a Derby Extra blade when I shaved for the first couple times. Maybe if I used olive oil as a preshave oil it would be a different story but I decided to skip it for this review. To be honest; not a good sign but it still didn't mess up my face.
3rd pass - ATG:
It was okay, no issues on the cheeks, jawline or the neck areas. The stache area was a little bit troublesome but I went through it without facing any problems. I had a feeling that the blade was dulling out. Still no nicks or cuts. After I was done I rinsed my face with cold water and applied the AS and as always I got a full BBS.
My thoughts:
The blades are okayish but I would NOT buy them. They're sharp but not that sharp, an Astra SP performs much better than the My-Blades platinum. Would I use them on an average basis? Nope. I prefer to use a, Astra SP, Permasharp or a Feather razor. I really think that these blades are way overpriced lets see:
For that price you can buy 300 Astra SP's which are IMHO better blades.
For 22 euro you can buy 100 Permasharp razors which are even better than the Astra SP's.
For 30-30 euro you can buy 100 Feather razors which are IMHO one of the best blades ever made. I get 15+ shaves out of one blade.
I really doubt I could get more than 3 shaves out of the My-Blade Platinum despite the sugar coating attempts on their website. I expected that the blades would perform better but you can't have everything in life, I wonder how the Silver blade will perform my guess it will be worse than the Platinum blade but I could be completely wrong.
Should you buy them?
I would say no. They're already overpriced and if you order outside the EU you'll be hit with a high shipping fee + customs. Not worth it. I would say use that money on the popular razors like the Astra's, Feathers, Gillettes. I didn't fall for the environment story they promote on their website because in most cases it's just a quick cash grab. Does their server run on green energy? Are their computers and phones made of 100% recyclable materials?