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1969: What DE razors was Gillette making?

As one of the new guys around here, one of the things I find frustrating is the Gillette DE identification guide in the Wiki. It just seems terribly incomplete. For example, I'm considering buying a razor from my birth year (1969) so I went to cross-reference the list to see what I should be looking for and all it shows is the Knack, and the black-handled SuperSpeed and Super Adjustable.

I know there were more than that, because I've seen references to the Tech being made into the 70's. Is there another reference that can provide a list of models by year?
This page from the Wiki may be helpful.

That's where I pulled the info about the Knack, the Super Speed, and the Super Adjustable from. What it does not show is the Tech, Techmatic, Lady, and what ever else was manufactured that year. It's that "whatever else" that I'm looking for. :)

That's where I pulled the info about the Knack, the Super Speed, and the Super Adjustable from. What it does not show is the Tech, Techmatic, Lady, and what ever else was manufactured that year. It's that "whatever else" that I'm looking for. :)


Oh sorry, you're right, I see that you already mention the Wiki in your original post. Never mind!
I doubt Gillette have ever provided manufacturing dates to members and other collectors so we have to work it out for ourselves and adjust when new information becomes available.

Quite who to advise, I have no idea....
In 1969 were manufactured the following Gillette razors:
- Super-Speed Black Handle
- Slim Twist (England)
- Super Slim Twist (England)
- Knack
- Lady
- Adjustable Black Long Handle
- Adjustable Black Short Handle
- Tech

This listing could be not complete.
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