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100th post & Happy Holidays PIF

Got the package tonight! I struck gold with my first ever PIF victory!


First and foremost - the book is hilarious. I absolutely love your insights. Though I have only had the opportunity to read select sections this evening, I can say my pick up skills have been forever heightened, especially in the ever difficult realms of picking up older ladies and - my favorite - homeless ladies. Can't wait to learn how to pick up ladies not just in a car, but in a car accident! A very fun read, my friend. Well done. I read a few sections aloud to my girlfriend, who loved it.

Also includes are the Aramis shave soap (smells great, in line for a shave this weekend), AoS pre shave (always wanted to try a pre shave but couldn't justify buying it - this is perfect!), Derbys, and 2 sample frags. Then the big surprise - a heavy double edge razor with travel case and all. I'm not sure exactly what it is - a Weishi perhaps? - but the handle is heavy and stylish. Is it bronze? Too good, sir, too good.

The book alone is quite the treat, but all together, you've really made my day. You are a true gentleman and help propagate all that is good about this forum.

Thanks again!!

Reviews to come ...

And a PIF of my own to come as well once I can put together something as worthwhile as this!
I found a cache of these razors at a local importer store, no clue what they are, but I like how heavy they are. For being cheap / unknown, it seems to shave pretty nicely. Enjoy!
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